Chapter 8 - Ladies and villagers

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15 days until the concert.

The next days of your vacation passed far too quickly. The company contacted you despite your free time, time passed faster when you and Jun went out to parties and it seemed to you, that you were not resting at all. That's why, when you suggested a trip out of town, she agreed immediately.

She didn't even whine .. at least at the beginning. Until the first mosquito had bitten her.

But first things first.

The driver took you to the countryside. You rented a small house by the lake there. Peace and silence. Just wild nature and you. Paradise. Or so you thought. You brought with you a supply of food and, of course, alcohol. You were planning to spend 4 days there, so everything should be just enough. And of course it appeared to be so.

Your first day was passing lazily.

Liked by Hyun

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Liked by Hyun.Jungie, Ye.Rim✔️ and 3,001 others
Posted: 20 minutes ago
Jun.Jun✔️ Did you know that cows have such funny tongues?
#village #travel @ Ye.Rim✔️

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Ye.Rim✔️:  You should tell everyone, how long you've been arguing about the cow's ability to put her tongue in her nose xD
Hyun.Jungie: you could take me there as well, you know how much I love villages!
Jun.Jun✔️: @ Ye.Rim✔️ this is serious conversation, okay? This ability is pretty awesome!

You visited the area and hungry for a typical rural adventure, you were trying to use the possibilities as much as you could.

You visited the area and hungry for a typical rural adventure, you were trying to use the possibilities as much as you could

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Liked by not.jungkook97, Jun.Jun✔️ and 2,560 others
Posted: 15 minutes ago
Ye.Rim✔️  I've never had so much fun! :D #donkey #village @ Jun.Jun✔️

View all 713 comments
not.jungkook97: You look really cute. *.
Jun.Jun✔️: @ not.jungkook97 you should have seen her when she ate half the carrot for that poor donkey
not.jungkook97: @ Jun.Jun✔️ I bet she was even more adorable then *.*
Ye.Rim✔️:  @not.jungkook97 easy boy, or I'II fall in love

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