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The door was heard knocking at Aki's apartment as Denji walked towards the door, but when he put the hand on the doorknob, his vision flickered for a moment and he saw the apartment turn into that paper-covered door before he heard Pochita's voice.

"Don't open the door Denji, it will only give you tragedy..." Pochita's voice ringed through Denji's mind as his memory went back and forth to the past and present.

In the past, a very young Denji is seen looking at an mysterious door covered with papers with a red liquid forming under the door.

As the young Denji slowly opened the door , so did the present version of Denji with anxiety/ anxiety.

The young Denji's eyes widened in shock as he saw...his father lying on the floor...with a pool of blood under his body and he wasn't moving...

Meanwhile, back to the present time...Denji opened the door and his eyes widened in horror.

Why was Denji so horrified...?

Because in front of the door...there was Aki...but...he wasn't Aki. It was the Gun Devil possessing Aki ashis fiend, with a gun coming out of his head where his face has once been.

Aki more. Only the Gun Devil remained.

How did this happen...? This shouldn't be happening...!

"BEN!" Denji yelled his colleague's name as Ben ran towards where he was standing but upon him seeing Aki. His eyes widened.

"W...what th...the this...A...Aki...?!" Ben exclaimed in shock and horror.

The Gun Fiend just breathed in and out, not saying any word but upon hearing Ben exclaiming and Denji yelling, Aki looked at the duo and prepared to shoot.

At that exact moment, Power walked in towarda the room as well, asking what's going on just for the Gun Fiend Aki to shoot his gun head towards the trio.

Thinking quick, Ben pushed Power down with his own body while Denji pulled the chord on his chest and he transformef into Chainsaw Man.

As Aki prepared to shoot a blast of light out of his head, Denji kicked him in the jaw, causing the light blast to cut straight through the apartment's roof, barely missing Ben and Power while doing so.

The Gun Fiend suddenly grabbed Chainsaw Man and threw him straight onto the ground gaining a grunt from the hybrid.

Aki suddenly jumped from the apartment's rail and straight onto Denji, preparing to kill him.

"Power, you stay here and hide! I will go help Denji!" Ben said to Power who nodded fearfully as the Omnitrix wielder prepared to jump off the railling.

"Wait," Power said grabbing Ben's jacket. "Will Aki be allright...?"

"I...I don't know if he will be, Power but...

Ben swiftly scrolled through his alien playlists upon quickly hitting the Omnitrix's dial, causing the young hero to become the fairy alien Pesky Dusk in an flash of green light.

"Denji, keep Aki busy long enough for me to read his mind! M...maybe I'll be able to return him to normal... hopefully... " Pesky Dust exclaimed, through the last part with hopefully was just muttering.

"Got it! Aki...I'm sorry to do this but...!" Denji yelled as he started punchung and kicking Aki while dodging the projectiles coming from his gun head.

During the beat-doan, Pesky Dust appeared in front of the Gun Fiend who tried to shoot him but luckily the small fairy dodged in time and managed to hypnotize Aki so he could see what was inside of his mind.

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