D: I'm a morning person, what can I say?

L: Stop being Yoda and help me.

D: With what?

I roll my eyes and made some noise that showed I did roll my eyes. No reaction.

L: Well. Isabel said she'll bash me up if I don't go to school in my masquerade dress, so what do I do?

D: Go to school in your masquerade dress.

L: Diane, that's like social humilation.

D: So?

L: Diane. Social. Humilation.

D: Look, one way or another (A/N: I SWEAR I DID NOT DO THIS ON PURPOSE) you get bullied but no matter what you know who you are. Stuff society and what they think is cool or hip. You go to school in that masquerade dress cause you know what? What Isabel is going to do to you will be the worst if you don't follow her. I know it seems cowardly but if Liam sees the truth, he'll be with you. You are special, beautiful and everything along the lines of it. No one can stop you. Take advantage of the moment.

L: You are like Yoda.

D: If you want wear some jumper and a coat on top, I've seen some celebs do that so... yeah.

L: You're the best, thanks Diane.

D: No prob. Wait, we have music performance right?

L: Yeah, we do.

D: Okay, goodbye.

L: Bye bye.

I grab the dress and put it on and a woolly jumper on top. I hope he cares. I hope Liam sees and he cares. I hope he takes me back. I hope he loves me, still.


*Diane's POV*

"Harry, please take me back" I overhear Alexia talking to Harry. I roll my eyes to myself.

"No. You lied to me. Now I've lost my real mystery girl. She hates me with all her heart. I'm leaving in two weeks and I'll leave with her hating me. I won't ever get over her either, I'll be 80 years old and I'll still love her but she won't know that. Look. I am never taking you back cause I never loved you" I over hear Harry. My heart drops and a rush of feelings overtake my body. I love him. Still. This is pathetic.

I grab my music books, one little book with paper cranes on it, that's where I write my songs, one big plastic book, that's where I put all my music note sheets and another book where I put all my chords.

I shut my locker and lean onto my locker and let out a sigh. I look in front of me and I see Harry, looking at me intently. His green eyes showed quite a lot of emotion. I hear a bunch of chatter and turn around to see Louise, in her dress but it was hiding a bit with her jumper.

*Louise's POV*

This is so embarrassing. I wanted to cover my face but I walk in like it's normal.

"Diane, oh my god save me" I say and she smiles.

"You look good, don't worry about it" Diane says and I nod.

"Oh wow, what an attention seeker" Alexia says, walking past me and giving me a greasie.

"Just because she's better than you doesn't mean you have to be a bitch" I overhear Georgia say and my jaw drops. She was sticking up for me.

"What did you say?" You hear Alexia say to Georgia. Diane and I were holding each other's hands at the moment. That's how scared we are.

"Just because she's better than you doesn't mean you have to be a bitch" Georgia repeats confidently. I always thought Georgia was like one of them. Now she's proving she's not. She's a really good person. Kat, Niall, Tory, Zayn, Karina and Louis was standing behind us now watching the scene and see it take fold.

"Listen here. You whore, you have all the guys liking you just because-"

"I'm better than you. You always have to crush people who aren't as good as you. Look what you've done to Harry and Diane. You are born to be a bitch. It's in your DNA. You're not nice. You're not smart. You are hopeless. You are just a scared, insecure girl even though you act like your the baddest bitch around. Grow the fuck up and realize it's better to be yourself" Georgia says and everyone starts clapping. Everyone starts moving and talking and I walk to Georgia.

What? I owe her a thank you. "Hey, thank you" I say and she smiles.

"I've been wanting to do that in a long time" Georgia says, laughing lightly at herself.

"I owe you one day" I say and Georgia has a thinking face going on.

"I need you to do something for me"



Question time!

1. Most memorable moment of the whole story?

2. Most romantic moment of the story?

3. Which character has affected you?

4. Most emotional moment of the whole story?

5. Which character are you most like?

6. Will you guys read the one shots of the girls I put up here? Would you if they're dirty?

I might give out a dedication for the next chapter. If there's any "memorable" comments.

Keira xx

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