Arranged cum Love Marriage- 3

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One sunday, Karan's parents had invited Teju & her parents for lunch at their home.

So they went to Karan's home. His parents warmly welcomed them & they all settled in the living room & chit-chatted for sometime.

Teju's Papa asked about Karan to which Karan's Dad replied that he is in his room as he is having an urgent meeting with a client & will join them in a while.

After a while, his mumma went to set the table... Teju's mumma also accompanied her..... By the time, his mumma asked Teju to call Karan from his room for lunch.


Teju went to his room & was about to knock on the door but saw that door is open.... She entered while calling his name.

But then she heard sound of the running tape which means he is in bathroom.... She was about to return but her eyes fall on a photo frame kept on the bed-side table...

It was a collage of Karan's pic containing all his best & cute pictures from his childhood to till now.... She went towards the table & picked up the photo frame..... She adored & lovingly caressed that frame.

Teju's POV-

Chotu Karan ki pic.... He was so cute... he is still cute though.... He used to call me "Laddoo" but see he also used to have golu molu cheeks when he was a kid...

Karan's college time pic grabbed her attention-

Waise girls werent wrong calling him "Hot" because he is hot indeed... I am sure he must be crush of many of his classmates & who knows he still may be crush of some girls.

Her reverie broke by the opening sound of the door's lock.... She turned around & saw Karan coming out of the bathroom in a towel giving proper view of his well shaped body, his abs & biceps.... She got shocked seeing him infront of her just in a towel.

She startled & kept the photo frame back on its place with her shaky hands...

Then she immediately turned around facing her back towards him.

Teju (with a fumbling voice)- wo... wo... I... I am sorry... I was about to knock but the door... door was opened... aun... aunty asked me to call you for lunch..

Karan- relax Teju... why are you panicking... Also I am sorry too... I wasnt aware that you're here.

Teju was not in a state to say much.

Teju (in a low shaky voice)- You... you come down.... fast.

By saying so, she headed towards the door hurriedly to leave but due to disbalance, she slipped.

She closed her eyes in reflex but before her body could touch the ground, Karan held her by her waist & saved her from falling down.

She opened her eyes when she felt Karan's hand on her waist.... She saw Karan's face few inches apart from hers...

she got lost in his mesmerising green emerald eyes with a hint of brown in it, his chiselled jawline, his wet hair & the fragnance of his shampoo as he has just came out of a shower.

Karan was also lost in her cute & innocent eyes, her rosy pink lips including soft & cushy cheeks, her open hair with few strands fallen on her face.

Teju came back to her senses when a drop of water fell on her right eye from his wet hair.

She then stood on her legs after coming out of his grip while putting some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

TejRan- A Fairytale Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora