Arranged cum Love Marriage- 2

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In the car-

Teju- how was your day ?

Karan- its good... pretty much productive as currently busy with a new project.
And what about you ?

Teju- ya same for me as well.. I like being busy & involving myself in work.

Bdw are you coming to Lonavala this weekend for the meeting regarding a project in which both our companies are going to work together or is it Uncle coming ?

Karan- No papa will not be going their... I am working on this project so yeah I'll be going...

If I am not wrong then I think you too are going for the meeting ?

Teju- yes... Papa has given me complete responsibility of this project... This is the first time when I am heading a project... So I'll be going..
To be honest I am bit nervous also.

She said while fidgetting her fingers.... Karan turned his face towards her & saw her worried expressions...
He kept his hand over hers & gently squeezed it... Teju looked at him.

Karan- Hey!!! I know you are very good at your work... I have seen your dedication towards work... Morever, I will be with you their... So, dont worry..... Everything will be good & I am sure we gonna ace the meeting & will bag the project too.

Teju felt bit relaxed after listening to his words & mouthed "Thank You" to him followed by a warm smile.

Karan- acha listen!!! As we both are going to the same place then I think we can go together but only if you are comfortable... There is no force ok!!!

Teju's POV-

He is such a well brought up kid.... The way he asked me in a respectful manner while ensuring that I didnt feel awkward or uncomfortable... He is such a sweet person.

*POV ends*

Teju- ya ofcourse we can!!! Bdw my Mumma will be more happy & feel relaxed when she'll get to know that you are accompanying me as everytime she gets worried whenever I drive myself to somewhere alone.

She chuckled while rememberring her Mumma's reaction.
Karan also laughed listening to her.

Karan- ok then give me your number... I'll co-ordinate with you regarding time of departure & other required stuff if any.

They both exchanged their number.
By the time they reached their home...... Teju came out of his car & was about to leave but turned towards him.

Teju- Karan thank you once again for giving me lift.

Karan- Are we not friends, Teju ?

Teju (in a surprised voice)- yes we are but why are you asking ?

Karan- Then dont say Thank You again & again because as a friend its my responsibility to help you when you are in need.

Also whats that dialouge people used to say... mmm... ya... "Dosti mei no Sorry no Thank you"... Understood Madam ???

Teju giggled.

Teju- oh my my!!! It looks like someone is filmy han.... well this is a new finding of mine about you as I didnt know about it earlier.

Karan- yeah sometimes!!!!

Karan laughed & had a blush on his face while scratching her neck & facing downwards.

Then they both wished "Good Night" to eachother & Teju headed towards her home.

Karan kept on staring at her till the time she entered her home & closed the door.... After that he went towards his home.

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