Arranged cum Love Marriage- 1

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Karan & Tejasswi's father are best friends since their college time... Despite being businessmen & being in same industry their is absolutely no rivalry between them... Infact they used to help eachother in their business & also opt for partnership project, whenever needed...

As known to eachother for years, they share a very good relation with eachother's family also... They all are like one family.... They are always their to support eachother in their ups & downs... They also have their house next to eachother just separated by the garden fence.

Karan & Tejasswi used to be good friends when they were in their school but then they went to abroad i.e, both went to different cities for further studies & gradually they lost contact with eachother... They sometimes used to meet when they come to their home during their holidays but those meet ups used to be normal ones i.e, hi, hello & some formal talks nothing special.

Now their study is complete & they both are back to India... They are helping their respective parents in the business.

Since both the families love them & treat them as their own child so they thought to take their friendship one step ahead & become Samdhis of eachother....

Karan's parent told him about what both the familes are thinking of.... Initially Karan didnt agree to it as he is not interested to get married to anyone because of having a bitter past... But then his parents asked him to atleast meet & talk with Tejasswi... Also assure him that they will not force him to go ahead with it, if he didnt find his vibe getting matched with her or if he feels that she is not the one for him.

Its the same in otherside too... Tejasswi was also not interested for the marriage as she wants to concentrate in her career right now...

But finally after lots of persuasion by their respective familes, they both decided to meet eachother thinking its not that bad to meet someone atleast not when the other person is a known one...


One evening both the familes met in Teju's home.... 
The parents were chit chatting while these two were just sitting quietly beside their Mom with a small smile plastered on their face.

After sometime, Karan's Mom asked Teju to take Karan to saw him, her room & by the time they can talk to eachother too..... Her parents agreed & said the same by gesturing through their eyes.
So they both went towards her room.

When Karan entered, he took a quick view of her room & got impressed with its interior design & also with the way things are kept in a proper organised way.

Teju then asked him to sit... They both sat on the bed with a decent gap between them..... Teju was fidgetting her fingers while looking down.... Whereas Karan was just looking at the ceiling while playing with his ring....
Their was an awkward silence... Both were trying to figure out what to say & how to start a conversation.

Finally Karan broke the ice by initiating the conversation.... Their conversation began with them rememberring the mischievous things they both have done together in their childhood, followed by how was their college life & what they are looking forward to do in future & so on.

After sometime,

Teju- aa... wo.... I want to say something

Karan- oh!!! Bdw me too.

Teju- okay say then

Karan- No you first tell... Ladies first!!!

A smile appeared on her face seeing his sweet courtesy.

Teju- ok... wo... actually... I am not ready for the marriage right now.

She looked towards him & found him looking back at her attentively.

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