Psycho Fan [One Shot]

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As we all know how some fans used to be insanely crazy about their idols & they can go to any extent without thinking for even once that are they doing the right thing or not.

Like this, Teju is also having a fan who used to be hell obsessed with her..... His name is Ratan.... He wants to keep each & every information of Teju... He wants to know what she has done the entire day starting from the time she woke up till the time she dozed off.

He used to keep a check on all the media portals, youtube channels, all her friend's Ig handles & other possible sources to know about where she is going, what'll be her next project, on which project she is currently busy, what she has worn, how she is looking, whom she met & all other related stuffs....

If it would be in his hand, then he would like to become AIR so that he can remain 24/7 with Teju... He is that much mad & lunatic for Teju.


To know about what Teju used to do on her set in her breaks, with whom she talks, what she eat & so on.... he has manipulated one of the crew member (Hari) & made him, his friend & in a sly way, he used to take set information related to Teju from Hari.

But he wasn't satisfied with the amount of information he is having....He wants more... He wants to know what Teju used to do in her home, so in order to find out that, he hatched a plan.


Somehow he did something which led to power cut in Teju's home only... When her parents got to know that all other houses are having electricity except them, they called their known electrician whom they used to call whenever they face any power cut issue.

Ratan already knew about that electrician team... So he bribed one of the person who was supposed to go to Teju's place & went on behalf of him along with 2 other electrician.

As that head of the electrician team is having 15-20 people under him to work, so he used to send any of those people who is free at that moment.... so, it is not mandatory that same person will go to one house everytime.....
And Ratan took advantage of this because he very well knows nobody gonna doubt on him.


They reached her house.... When Ratan saw Teju's father is talking with one of the electrician & her mother is busy in kitchen, he took the opportunity & went to the Teju's room...

He carefully shut the door without making any noise.... Then he fixed a spy camera on the side edge of the wooden cupboard in a way that it will not be noticeable so easily.

Once its done, he held the handle of the cupboard & slightly pulled it towards him to check if its opening or its locked & to his luck, it got opened...

The entire cupboard was filled with Teju's clothes... All her dresses were properly folded & kept in a tidy manner.

He took out a pair of lingerie which was kept on the left side of the 3rd rack, brought it near his nose & inhaled her exquisite & pleasant aroma.
He just got mesmerised in it.

Ratan's POV-

Teju, You have no idea how alluring & fascinating you are... You are truly epitome of beauty... Your body is so divine... I want to worship you in every possible way... I will bring all the happiness of the world in your feet... I will treat you like a real princess. I'll never ever let tinest of the tinest thing to hurt you.

His trance broke when he heard unlocking sound of the door.... So he quickly kept that lingerie inside his bag & turned around.

Teju came inside & shocked to see him in her room.

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