Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Saraswati stumbled to a stop, staring at the tall, green eyed fellow. He looked strange and out of place here. She felt Toran's grip on her hand slacken and turned surprised eyes to him; reading the anger, tension and hurt on his face. "Oh. I'll leave you two then."

Toran watched the young girl leave, before turning frigid eyes to Brennan dressed in dark brown long-sleeved kaftan and black sandals.

"A word?" Brennan asked coolly. It really wasn't a request. "Preferably with some privacy."

The late evening was stained in twilight shades of orange, gold and purple clouds with the slow-retreating sun. The air warm with merriment; there was no one upstairs as all guests were down, except the two men currently ascending the stairs discreetly.

Strangely, it felt like the Halloween masquerade ball.

Brennan closed the door of the room assigned to Toran softly, turning the lock in place then turned fully to face Toran who watched him with ill-concealed hate, anger and hurt.

"What did you want to discuss?" Toran asked from the good distance he stood with blank eyes and a deadpan tone. "Let's just get this over with."

"I'm sorry."

Toran stilled. He was sorry. God, this was funny. He nodded, a little dazed, feeling out of sorts all at once. "And it's taken you all these months to come to that conclusion."

"I'm sorry."

The hand on the wall clenched tightly. The leather bracelet he bought at the square jiggled softly at the slightest movement as it fell lifelessly to his side with a bitter laugh. "Yes. You are. Congratulations." Toran shot to Brennan with menace lit in his expresso eyes wild with anger. "A question. I just asked a fucking question, and just like that..." He snapped his fingers. "I got fired on the spot. Now let's not forget that absurd, horrible treatment I got after helping you. You threw me away from the only family I had left. From the job I enjoy doing."

Brennan watched him, remorse flickered across his face.

"Tell me why Alder left. I don't work for you anymore so you can't fire me again. Tell me why Alder left?!" Toran shouted. He never felt so angry in his life. Brennan's untimely severance to what they had had stung deep.

Still. Brennan remained mute. And that angered him even more.

"Tell me what he did?" Toran seethed through clenched teeth when he saw that Brennan wasn't going to talk. Shaking his head in wonder, he asked in deceptively soft voice. "Is it that terrible you can't say it?"

"Yes." Brennan croaked.

Toran looked away with bitter smile.

"My poor actions were misguided on my part." Brennan said quietly.

Toran glared at Brennan with hurt and hate. How and why was he so quiet? How could he be so calm and collected when his head felt like it was about to explode?


He couldn't bear this a second later. He had to leave.

"No. Toran. Toran...wait. I'm sorry."

"FUCK your apologies, Brennan. I don't want to hear them. Get the hell out of my way." He swore, shoving Brennan aside.
"No. Just listen."

"Fine. I'll listen." Toran shoved Brennan to his knees, staring down at the angelic face. The fallen angel on his knees gazing up to him in silent adoration and forgiveness, watched him with anticipating green eyes. His fingers delved into the dark blonde locks roughly, pushing the curls backwards; excitement and lust had him shuddering. "You know what to do. So do it."

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