Chapter Twelve

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“Do you know why we’ve been summoned?”

Lydia turned to the brunette woman, Cayetana, at her question. She shook her head. “No. I have no idea.”

Cayetana fidgeted so visibly Lydia wondered if she was just being plain dramatic. “Oh, I hope not. I really love this job.”

“What department are you under?”

“Cleaning.” She replied twisting her fingers worriedly.

Lydia watched the tan slender fingers devoid of nail polish, or jewelry per Brennan’s rules, and reached to cover her hand over the sweaty fingers. Not to reassure the young girl, but because the sight of her twisting fingers brought a pit of unease to her being. “It’s going to be okay. I’m sure it’s nothing.” She said with a reassuring smile.

Cayetana gave a nervous smile and clasped Lydia’s hand, steadying her shattered nerves.

“If I may have your attention, please.” Brennan’s calm voice flittered around them drawing the collective apprehensive gazes of the staff. He stood in front of them dressed in dark blue light woolen turtleneck and expensive black slacks. His aura immaculate and calm. The dark blonde curls of his hair contrasting with his overall attire, gave a haloed illusion to his fallen angel grace. Brennan stood watching them with detached eyes. Face after face.

A woman dressed in a white pantsuit and black stilettoes that raised her almost to Brennan’s shoulder stood next to him. Her hair about the same shade as Brennan’s was pulled into a sleek bun at her nape. Her blue eyes seemed dead even with that smile matched perfectly with her nude makeup, reminding Lydia of a cheerleader.

A haughty, condescending one.

Standing next to the hotelier with an air of superiority of a snob who could get away from anything. The meremere n’ihu gwompiti n’azu type. Lydia had the urge to rub soot on her lady-like face.

“I’m leaving for a trip tomorrow.” Brennan began “and won’t be back until a month or two. Until then…” he reached for the woman next to him. “Avila would act as head till I’m back.”

He moved a step back for Avila to introduce herself. “Hello, everyone. I’m Avila Stone, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said warmly.

Underneath that smile, Lydia saw the subtle hint of cruelty in her facade.

There was a general reply to her greeting.

She continued. “After Brennan leaves, I promise it will be business as usual. With…slight changes; impromptu supervisions by me in all departments and all that. Brennan assured me there’s no need for such, since his staff loves this establishment and always works diligently to an extent. He completely trusts you.” She smiled. “If Brennan finds the changes to his satisfaction, he may just keep them that way.” She turned to Brennan who gave a nod.  Avila turned back to them at the slight murmur of disgruntlement.

Everything was fine the way it bloody was, so why change it?
Lydia turned to Cayetana with a small smile. “At least you’re not being fired.”

“That will be one of the things to correct around here.” Avila said with a tight smile. Lydia’s dislike grew.

After a few words, the meeting was over. Brennan called her to his office.

She entered the office, shutting the door behind her. “You sent for me, sir?”

Brennan glanced up from the paperwork to watch her neutral face. “Yes.” He said, gesturing her to sit. “I saw the disapproval on your face when I introduced Avila to the crew.”

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