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I think it was Jujo Island? or something. The island has already become a home of a ants creatures. The humans can't get close to it at all as it's already invested of those creatures. So even if they want to claim the island back, they can't do anything about it.

Are those creature are that strong? Or it's just the humans being weak?

If it's strong as the humans indicated, then I need to make the job changing quest for JinWoo a little bit harder. But if it's not, then sorry but not sorry JinWoo, I'll need to make your opponents a little bit annoying.

ʏᵒᵘʳ ᴘᴏᴠ

Just like he said, after the day is done, he really was going to bring me on a date but there's still JinAh at home, so I need to change his mind or that devil child will not eat any dinner if no one keep a eye on her.

So he just change his mind and told Babugi to stop at the supermarket he dropped me last time.

Tonight, I should make Chicken Bulgogi. It's easier to make anyway.






I should make something too so tomorrow, for breakfast and dinner, I don't to make anything from the scratch like this. It's easier to do and faster this way. Beside, I want to try a new recipe.

With that in mind, I stroll around the meat section, vegetable section, fruits section, and dairy section.

This should be a relaxing hour where I can choose the best ingredients. But someone is so stingy that I can't-

"Why we need those, the other meat is also good."

See what I mean, readers?

*Sigh* "JinWoo, I told you not every meat is suitable for the some cooking method."

"But it's so many.... and expensive."

"JinWoo, the only reason I can make all those food delicious is because I choose the best and the good one. Just because something is cheap, it doesn't mean it's going to taste good as always. Besides, this meats isn't that expensive. So just shut up and let me choose the good one."

I turn away from him and continue to look around.

I hear from rustle of plastic and just now that JinWoo are putting some of them back.

*Sigh* "JinWoo, if you put those back I'll not only not going to cook you anything, but I'll also will go away from here and will never come back again." I told the man-child behind me, not giving him any attention nor do I look at him while talking.

I hear a sigh and some more rustle.

I look back and see that he is putting those ingredients back to the cart.

*Sigh* "Why don't you just go look around if there's something you want. Just grab a snack or two and put it on the cart." I look at him while he's putting his head on the cart's handle.

He look at me and said,

"(Y/n), I'm not a child."

"But you act like one."

"You're my wife."

"I'm not going to if you keep being a cheapskate."

"I'm just making sure you didn't buy anything too much."

"All of this is for 3 days onward. I can't just continue to go to the supermarket every time I want to cook. It's wasting my time, when I can cook something more delicious with those time."


"You said I'm your wife right, that means you should jut shut the fuck up and listen to your wife. If you don't, I'll just run away like in the past."

With that, he just shut up like I order him to but with scowl on his face.




Should I just whoop his ass now.

Ah no, wait, I'll just go away from him and look around for some more while he didn't look at me like a hawk.

With that in mind, I go to the vegetable section.

While I look around, I didn't look at the front of me, making me clash with a soft wall.




Oh shit, the classic 'I clashed with a handsome man that may or may not have a mommy milker or just a general man that looks skinny in clothes but has a hot and hard as fuck body, that will ask if I'm ok after I have a clash with him and fall for me in those times then someone will pull me away in jealousy from that man, keep the jealousy inside then after the day has done and we enter the bedroom he will fuck me in jealousy and mark me up while at it.' type of shit.

"Sorry, are you ok?"


"No, I'm fine." I said, not looking at him in the eyes nor am I raise my head to let him see my face.

I know what you want, author, but I'm not going to let you do that classic type of mary sue shit.

There's only one way to run away from this guy.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. My husband will search for me if he doesn't know where I am."

Just like that,













Yeah, who am I to run away from the author's little finger. I can't run away even if I want to.

"Sorry, but I need to make sure you're really ok. your husband will be mad if he knew that you're hurt because of me." The man said while he hold my hand gently.

*Sigh* I don't have a choice, do I. Now I need to do that face.

Stunning pretty face mode, ON!

I look at him and said,

"I'm really sorry, but I seriously need to go. My husband will be jealous if he saw me talking to other man, I don't want him to misunderstanding."

Just like what the author wish for, someone really grab my hand and pull me to them, making me clash with another hard chest.

"What are you doing, holding my wife's hand when he clearly doesn't want to talk to you."

God, no, author, please don't make me suffer more. I promise I'll be the sassiest protagonist you have that will bring you more readers.....

Quote of the day!

"What a smooth skin he has. Does those areas also smooth and delicious?"


Fantasy | Solo Leveling Fanfic | BL | Yandere!SoloLeveling | Malereader!InsertWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu