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"Beauty~ How about you act weak? That way I can just change the story that I saved you before those prisoners can do anything to you. Then because you feel grateful to me, you want to marry me when we come out from this raid! How's that sound?"

When he said that, I can feel wind from my side, letting me know Sung JinWoo just run to him with murderous attention.

Really. He should have just wait for awhile before the system give him a emergency quest.

ʏᵒᵘʳ ᴘᴏᴠ

I may know JinWoo when we're still a child, but I never see him so mad like this.

No, this is not him mad anymore.

This is him, enraged.

All because of what Kang TangShik said?

Right now, in front of me is JinWoo, attacking a B-rank hunter with his eyes glowing blue.

"Just who the hell are you?! You're supposed to be E-rank!"

"My rank? It doesn't matter now. What matter the most is that you take back your words about what's mine!"

"Ha! Yours? He said he's not yours! What are you to him for you to call him yours, ha!"

They both took steps back from each other. JinWoo standing straight with his hand with dagger behind him.

"I'm Sung JinWoo, his husband."

"Husband? Pft, yeah right. In your dreams."

The old man, Song ChiYul, ask JinWoo,

"Sung, how did you do that?! Are you a false ranker? No, you seem to have been on close terms with your fellow hunters for quite some times now, so that can't be it."

"A false ranker would never spare the life of someone who's witnessed their true powers. That would just be stupid. Which means there's only one answer. You've been reawakened."

""Sung?!"" "Reawakened?!"

"(L/n)-ssi, you knew about this?"

"Of course I knew, but there's a reason why JinWoo didn't tell the association, for now."

"Well, either way, it look like you don't have much experience as a hunter. In that case, as your superior, let me teach you a lesson or two."  Kang TangShik said with him taking out another dagger on his hand.

"Why are you doing this."

"Me killing the prisoners, right? Just like I said, a request. Because you're so curious about it, I'll explain it. A father come to kill to kill one of the criminals. I tried to turning him down by raising the price, but he was quick to accept the offer. I can't refuse him at all. Although things have taken a different turn, I don't want to hurt you guys especially the beauty. If you promise to pretend like nothing happened today, I won't bother you guys anymore."

"Well, you said that, but you're thinking of the opposite."

JinWoo was right. Kang TangShik's face right now is full of murderous intention. A sinister smile and a crazy for blood eyes.

"I never had any intention to trust what you said. I have no reason to believe someone that was making up a bunch of stories of lies just a minute ago."

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