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Good then.

*sigh* "Fine then, I'll stay here. But don't start thinking it's because I want to, you dog."


"..... stop that, it's disgusting."

ʏᵒᵘʳ ᴘᴏᴠ

I was in my office at this moment, looking through the documents that need to be sign. At this moment, I have some peacefulness until father's voice came into my mind.




Do I have to? It's only a week now.






Oh, he got the key?





Huh, so fast. He already defeat Cerberus. What a poor doggie. But he does that in a week?





Oh, it's already 4 months?



Oh yeah, I forgot the timeline is different from here.



Fine, I'll go meet him.






A what now? Me? Becoming a hunter? Father, you must be ins-




*sigh* Fine, I'll become a hunter. Now, give me the cards.

A cards suddenly appear in front of me.

There are 5 different cards in front of me.

The first card are black colored. It's for the money. The second one are gold. It's for the apartment. The third one are silver. The car that father has got with the highest technology, as what he said. The fourth one and the fifth one are just like the first card. A black card.

So that means I need to go see Sung JinWoo, I like it or not. As what the deal we made.

I immediately made a portal to the other side. Once I go through the portal, the scenery around me change into certain someone's apartment building.

I wait in the same place as the previous one.

I don't need a long time to wait for that dog to arrived in front of the building.

When he sees me, he immediately walk in front of me. But when I gestures him to come over immediately, he change his pace into running and he arrived right in front of me, kneeling there while looking at me with those crazed eyes.

"You really came." He says while holding my hand that I previously use to gestured.

"Well, that's the deal. Tho,I'm surprised you done it very quickly then I thought." I look straight at his gray eyes that seems to have some blue on it.

"I just... really want to see you again." He say rather.... pitifully.

"Yeah yeah, now that I'm here. Is there-"

"Date me."

"..... Huh? Are you crazy?" I kinda... expect that but at the same time not.

"I love you."

".... Pfft, love? Sung JinWoo, we never had a deal to stay here just to become your lover."

"I know, I'll be your dog. And you're going to be my master."

".... So you do remember our deal. Now I'll ask you one time. Is there any relate to you becoming my dog and that little confession of yours?"

"... No, I just want to say it."

"Ugh, now I know why Father choose you."

I feel so frustrated right now. So this is the reason why father choose this guy, that will become the replacement of that old man, to be my spouse.

I'm so not fine with this. Father should know I'm a poly, so there's no way Father choose only Sung JinWoo to be my spouse.

Unless... there's more?




Nah, even if there is, my type is a handsome man that seems cold but he's really sweet like a candy.

Sweet little candy.

"M/n? What do you mean by that?"

I just stare at him before answering,

"You'll know in the future. For now, let's just go inside. I need to go somewhere tomorrow."

"You are? Then can-"

"No, you can't come with me. Just stick to the path that are choosen for you."

That way you can meet Cha Hae-In and then married her. After that I can go to another place peacefully.

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