-chapter nine-

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"please hurry."

"But it feels good to be known so wellI can't hide from you like I hide from myselfI remember who I am when I'm with youYour love is tough, your love is tried and true blue"

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"But it feels good to be known so well
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
I remember who I am when I'm with you
Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue"

-true blue

——"hey thomas!" minho stood up quickly, running to the door of the canteen. kat watched him as he greeted thomas, filling them in on everything they had learned.

"cheer up kit. people might start thinking you don't like being separated from him." newt laughed causing kat to move her eyes away from minho and glare at newt.

"oh shut up." kat said, slighting pushing newts shoulder. "okay go back to talking please." kat waved on the boys as she saw the pair coming back over

"anyway, there was this big loud explosion," the boy called david continued telling his mazes story as minho and thomas sat back down beside them. "and these guys came out of nowhere. started shooting up the place."

"it was intense." andrew nodded talking a drink.

"they pulled us out of the maze and brought us here."

"what about the rest?" newt asked "the other people left behind in the maze what happened to them?"

"i don't know." david sighed with a shrug. "i guess wicked still has them."

"how long you guys been here?"

"not long. just a day or two. that kid over there has been here the longest." david looked over his shoulder, the others following his gaze to a skinny boy that was sitting alone, hood up, looking like he would rather be anywhere else that stuck in a room full of teenagers. "almost a week."

"his maze was nothing but girls." andrew said.

"really?" minho smirked.

"some guys have all the luck." david turned back around smiling. kat scoffed in disgust, suddenly feeling odd that she was the only girl that was sitting at a table full of boys. she smiled slightly as darted her elbow towards minho, hitting him in the ribs.

minho yelled slightly in pain and he grabbed his side, glaring at the girl as the other boys laughed lightly.

"yeah i'm still here." kat smiled at him.

"yeah, believe me, i know" minho sighed dramatically sitting back up after rubbing his rib cage. 

"good evening gentlemen. ladies." jansens voice rang through the cafeteria. they all turned to face him as he stood at the top of the room. "you all know how this works. if you hear your name called, please raise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where they will escort you to the eastern wing. your new lives are about to begin."

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