-chapter four-

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"you didn't think of letting me know about your plan huh?"

"Look at us, you and I back at it again'Cause I like to love, to love, to love, to LOVE youI HATE to hate, to hate, to hate, to hate you"

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"Look at us, you and I back at it again
'Cause I like to love, to love, to love, to LOVE you
I HATE to hate, to hate, to hate, to hate you"

-Let the Light in
Lana Del Rey

•——"things are changing." gally spoke, silencing the drone of talk from the boys in the hall. "there's no denying that. first ben gets stung in broad daylight...and then alby. and now our greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. which is a clear violation of our rules here."

"if it wasn't for him alby would be dead, gally. he saved his life. heck, he saved mine aswell." kat pointed out, ignoring minhos eyes burning into the side of her head.

"did he? and don't get me started on you, you went into the maze aswell." gally looked around at the keepers before pointing a finger rudely at thomas. "for three years we have coexisted with these things and now you've killed one of them. who knows what that could mean for us?"

"well, what do you suggest we do?" newt asked

"he has to be punished." gally said, causing an uproar from all the gladers.

"minho. kat." newt spoke, silencing the room. "you two were there with him. what do you think?"

gally turned looking at the two runners, folding his arms. kat and minho looked at each other. the girl widened her eyes as if to say minho could take this one. minho sighed, "i think...in all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a griever before. when i turned tail and ran, this dumb shank stood behind to help alby while kat tried to find me and get my head straight. look, i don't know if he's brave or stupid. but whatever it is, we need more of it. i say we make him a runner."

"a runner! what?" frypan gasped as all the boys began talking again. "minho let's not jump the gun here alright?"

"you didn't think of letting me know about your plan huh?" kat hissed at minho who just stared straight ahead, ignoring her.

chuck failed at trying to start a chant for thomas. newt stood up straight, smiling as all the boys yelled over each other.

"if you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine." gally yelled over them all. "go ahead. but if there is one thing that i know about the maze it is that you do not-"

gally stopped in his tracks as the alarm went off in the distance. kats heart dropped as she realised what it was. everyone's heads darted to the door of the hall. newt was first to stand up and begin walking out the door, followed by gally and then the rest of the keepers. the gladers slowly filtered out of the hall. minho and kat came to a stop behind chuck and thomas just outside the hall.

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