The End of a Long Road - Part 2

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Y/n: Captain how long do we have before Erwin makes his move?

Levi: Not long now and I'd bet thanks to furball making his move Erwin may act sooner.

Y/n: Damn it!

Jean: If we don't get there first Eren could either get himself eaten or blown up.

Connie: You think we don't know that?

Sasha: Can't this thing go any faster?

Porco grunted in response and huffed in a grumpy sort of response which signaled he was trying as hard as he could to take us to the scene of the battle as soon as possible. I attempted to raise my head above Porco's wild and unkempt hair and managed to get a glimpse of the scene we were headed towards and to my relief it appeared as if it had improved somewhat. Eren was on his feet once again and was managing to withstand Annie with limited success however all the while Zeke was drawing closer and closer. The street itself was almost completely destroyed, the paved roads and cobbled streets had been completely torn up and it was almost impossible to see a still-standing house.

Connie: Why hasn't Erwin helped Eren? Nothing's stopping him, it's just those two fighting.

Sasha: Something's not right.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Sasha: I can hear...gunshots?

Armin: Porco stop!

Porco dug his heels into the ground and ceased to move after his claws caused us to slide a little way down the alleyway whilst leaving huge gashes in the ground in his wake. For a small time there was silence, we all watched Sasha closely as she furrowed her brows in concentration. The wind blew hard in our faces and caused dust to swirl in the air, sometimes causing us to shield our vision to stop us from being blinded. Suddenly, without warning, Sasha looked up in alarm and whipped her head around to the street to our right.

Sasha: Mikasa!

She came in like a blur, the sheen of her black hair glinting in the faint sunlight as she shot by me before coming to a sudden stop by perching on a building. She was breathing heavily and a permanent snarl was etched upon her face, her hands were shaking with rage which caused the blades to rattle in her hands.

Mikasa: I can't get to him!

Y/n: What do you mean, there's no one there?

Sasha: But I heard gunshots, my ears are never wrong!

Mikasa: It's a trap, the Marleyan soldiers haven't gone away. They are hiding in a formation surrounding the area where Eren and Annie are, anytime I try to get close they shoot at me and there's no cover.

Y/n: Fuck, that's not good.

Armin: We have to deal with them if we hope to get a chance at helping Eren.

Mikasa: The beast titan is almost there, we maybe have a minute until he arrives. Look!

She pointed at the lurking figure of the beast who loomed over the district of Shiganshina and whose shadow now encompassed the sight of the battle. Eren was on his last legs, flimsy punches were being thrown at Annie who dodged them with ease before countering with three punches to his gut and then an upwards kick to his chin.

Y/n: Armin...if there's ever a time for your genius it's now.

We all turned to Armin with looks of desperation. Echoes of the last mission in Shiganshina flooded back into my mind, looking as stressed and worried then as he did now. He began to turn wildly around, searching in desperation for some sign of inspiration or even some form of help but nothing came. Finally, after a moment of acceptance, he closed his eyes and gave a deep sigh before opening his eyes once more and focussing them on the beast titan with a sharpness. He spoke in a rapid yet determined tone.

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