The Start

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Connie: Eren these potatoes are too thick again! What were you, Ymir and Historia doing all this time?!

Ymir: Listen here baldy-

Eren: What are you talking about they were fine stop being such a baby! You know-

Y/N: Here they go again, I'm not listening to this.

They had been arguing for the duration of the dinner. It had been like the old times, everyone was more or less the same around me although I could tell some were a little hurt still. All however were clearly still processing what I had told them, it was starting to sink in to some of them and the most notable of these was Armin who kept shooting me furtive glances throughout dinner.

Deciding I had enough I left the table and took my plate back to the kitchen before fetching my fleece, a musket and a lantern before heading out to the watchtower. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, it was still 10 minutes before she was scheduled to join me but I was still figuring out what I was going to say. The minutes ticked by until the door opened, the light from the lodge casting out onto the dark landscape. I heard footsteps and noises of the ladder being scaled before the person joined me at my side.

Y/n: Armin?

Armin: Yeah, I swapped out with Sasha. Said she was too tired to do it tonight but I think we both know she's just angry.

Y/n: Yeah... I want to talk to her but I'm not sure what to say. Kind of planned on doing it tonight if I'm being honest.

Armin: Well I realised that when I caught you looking at her at dinner so I made her swap roles with me tomorrow, she's taking you to pick up the supplies now instead.

Y/n: Sounds good, I saw you at dinner as well. You have questions I imagine. Well now's the time.

Armin's eyes widened with glee and turned his face to look at me.

Armin: I know you said we are on an island but I just have to hear it one more time! Is there a sea?

Y/n: Yes, in fact more than 70% of the world is covered by sea. You'll get to see it someday Armin I promise you.

Armin: And...and Marley.... What will we do about them?

Y/n: I'm not sure, they are not the only problem though. The continent is the problem, they all hate you guys.

Armin: Because of the Eldian empire?

Y/n: Because of the empire.

Armin: Does anyone not hate us?

Y/n: The world doesn't hate you anymore, I'd say the continent is the last place where you are truly hated. The rest of the world just mistrusts or fears you, but that's a huge difference right?

Armin: So you're saying there's an opportunity to talk with them and make friends?

Y/n: I don't see why not, we might have to negotiate with them but we can convince them to side with us or at least not try to kill us all.

Armin: So maybe we can talk to Marley too! And the Middle Eastern Confederation! And-

Y/n: Armin I appreciate your spirit, you're a good person but as a Marleyan whose lived there for 10 years listen to me please. There is no negotiation with the continent. They just hate you too much I'm afraid so you'd be wasting everyone's time.

Armin: But...but we will tell them we are good Eldian's, not like the empire's Eldian's!

Y/n: You forget, we are technically still in the empire Armin. King Fritz brought the Eldian refugees to the last area that was firmly under the empire's control, the island of Paradis. You never submitted the empire to Marley. Despite you not knowing it.... You guys are the last holdout of the Eldian empire and have been all this time. Marley doesn't forget, they want your resources and they will use any bullshit excuse to justify it. So even if you denounce the empire or whatever, I'm afraid talking will never work with them.

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