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1 Month Later, Age 17

The cold wind blew against the window, rattling the fragile glass panes and creating a howling noise outside that echoed throughout the quiet streets of Shiganshina. It was so cold outside, this winter was proving to be one of the coldest in years and I had no desire to go outside in the early morning. But I had to, today was one of the most important days in my time as a soldier.

I pushed the heavy cotton cover off of me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed before reaching for my shirt that had been unceremoniously dumped on the floor after the previous night's activities. I pulled it on, violently shivering in the cold air before donning the rest of my uniform and pulling my new scout regiment trench coat tight around my body before a noise startled me.

Y/n:'s you.

Sasha was still snoring, deep in sleep under the covers I had just recently departed and her hair a complete mess. I moved to the other side of the bed and gently shook her, she yawned and slowly opened her eyes.

Sasha: W-what is it?

Y/n: You need to get up, if the captain catches you in my bed...

Sasha: *Yawn* I'm sure he already knows just come back to bed.

She closed her eyes again, I sighed and shook her again. This time her eyes opened quickly in annoyance and she sat up bolt upright in bed glaring at me.

Y/n: You know what he did to Eren and Mikasa as punishment, I don't want to run 40 laps.

Sasha: You outrank him now, you can make him do the laps.

Y/n: Yeah that's not happening, besides I have to go, the meeting is today.

Sasha's eyes widened in realisation before sighing and also getting out of bed. Resigned to the fact that I would not return to the bed.

Sasha: Yeah yeah you better get going. You see where I put my shirt?

Y/n: No but find it quickly and you should probably brush your hair it's pretty messy, I have to go I'll see you later.

I quickly left the room, hearing her sighing and thumping about the room in search of her shirt as I shut the door. Quickly running outside the HQ I passed by many of my friends who greeted me happily before I came to a halt besides Armin who was waiting for me outside one of the last carriages.

Armin: You're almost late.

Y/n: Almost.

We boarded the carriage before I rapped my knuckles on the window to signal the driver to continue to the train station. After we had finished the train tracks the nation of Hizuru generously gifted us a train which we used to great effect. The supplies and transfer of forces to the newly constructed port were made much easier and faster. The only downside is that we had to create two hastily constructed large wooden barn-like structures as temporary stations. They would be improved in time but for now, they were the stations.

Armin: Why were you almost late...ah never mind I can see now.

Y/n: What do you mean?

He gestured at my neck and I looked into the glass only to be horrified at what I saw. I quickly pulled the collar tighter around my neck so as to conceal the mark left by Sasha much to the amusement of Armin.

Armin: Lucky for you its pretty low down on your neck, should be quite easy to conceal from the delegation.

Y/n: More worried about the captain noticing than them.

Armin: Speaking of the delegation I've been thinking...why did you want me here with you?

Y/n: Because you're the smartest person I know, a good reader of people and I know for a fact we need that today. This is the chance of a lifetime, we can't afford to fuck this up.

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