New Things

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Y/n: Well then Nicolo, are you ready?

We were all crowded around the golden-haired boy sat at the dusty desk with the radio equipment arrayed in front of him. He sat in his chair as stiff as a plank, his fingers traced the dials and knobs in a rhythm which matched the rain's downpour outside.

Nicolo: Yes...yes, I am. I just hope this works.

Hange: All you need to do is get us into contact with someone, we'll do the negotiation.

Y/n: You've done this a hundred times on the ship, what could possibly be different here?

Levi: Stop crapping yourself, you've got the easiest job here. Just make sure you get it right.

I took a seat next to Nicolo and leaned over, intertwining my hands as I stared at the floor. So much was riding on this, we needed allies in this world and this was the only way we could start to get them without having to kidnap neutral ships just to talk to them. Erwin seemed to share my sentiments as he was uncharacteristically white, his immovable hair for once seemed ruffled and it looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep in days with his blood-red eyes.

Erwin: Nicolo, start it up.

Nicolo nodded quickly before bringing the microphone closer to his mouth and twisting the largest dial on the left. Instantly a static noise sounded out which faded in its volume as Nicolo adjusted the dial once more. The wind outside blew hard, leaves falling from the few trees we had on the coastline were being pushed about and landing in the dark and gloomy sea bordering the newly constructed port we had made. It was hard to believe anything was out there, the only thing that could be seen on the horizon was dark brooding storm clouds.

Nicolo: Hello! Hello! This is Paradis port, is anyone out there?


I held my breath and turned around to look at Jean who was leaning at the tent's entrance staring into the waves, his expression darkening every passing second.

Nicolo: Hello? Is anyone out there? This is Paradis port requesting assistance. I repeat this i-

?: Paradis port this is survey ship HZ-98, Hizuran Navy. Do you require assistance?

I let out a sigh of relief whilst the others moved into action, Erwin hastily taking the seat next to Nicolo and Hange taking deep breaths to calm her excitement.

Nicolo: Yes, we would like to speak to your commanding officer, please.

HZ-98: You should know Marleyan that Hizuru is not a friendly nation to Marley. If you require assistance then yo-

Nicolo: We are not Marleyan.

HZ-98:....... Then why are you calling from the port of Paradis, is that not Marleyan territory?

Erwin decided now was the time to jump in and he took the microphone from Nicolo before clearing his throat and responding.

Erwin: Up until a year ago it was. We are in control here now and we wish to speak.

HZ-98: Marley is currently at war with only the Middle Eastern Confederation, forgive me sir but you don't sound like you're from there so please explain how you have seized Marleyan territory.

Erwin: You are correct, we are not from there but this island itself. We have reclaimed our land and now wish to engage in diplomacy with the world. If you would please get your commanding officer I would be very appreciative.

HZ-98: Eldian's....ok sir I will speak to the captain. Please hold.

The line went static once again and we all turned to discuss the new events which had just transpired. Erwin immediately focussed on me and raised a questioning eyebrow, clearly asking about Hizuru.

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