The Final Battle - Part One

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Y/n: Come on Gabi hurry it up, I thought Falco said you were the quickest in your class.

Gabi: I'm trying! This dress is too difficult to run in.

We had run all the way across the district from Niccolo's restaurant when Floch had broken the news. The Braus family were ahead of me yet I was still running besides Gabi so nobody would be left behind yet her pace was starting to frustrate me. Every street was empty, not a soul could be found in the deserted district yet every slight noise made me jump in that direction in a panic. I looked down at my watch, it was 2:10pm which meant the final evacuation train organised for the 'drill' was due to leave in 20 or so minutes.

Y/n: Fuck this.

I stopped and grabbed Gabi before swinging her over my shoulders and began to run once more.

Gabi: Why are you helping me?

Y/n: ...We need to get to the train station quickly. Marley could be here at any moment and...I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire.

Gabi: But you're a devil, you-

Y/n: Am I any different to you, both Eldian, both born in Marley and are now both living on Paradis? Get real Gabi, I know why you've been so angry this past month. It's not just what we did in Liberio is it? You couldn't give a shit about Marley itself, could you? You just want the best for your friends and family and to prove yourselves as 'good Eldians.

Gabi didn't respond as I followed the Braus family through the gate and descended into shadows for a brief few seconds. The train station was entering into our view now, there were not many people left waiting in line outside the station. Not much longer until the final evacuation train was about to leave. The Braus family like I were beginning to slow down, tired from our mad dash across Shiganshina yet still resolutely ploughed ahead. We finally stopped at the back of the queue, everyone was panting but there were a few smiles due to the fact that they knew they were, for the moment at least, out of danger. I looked down at a shocked and horrified Gabi, her mouth agape in disbelief at my correct assumption.

Y/n: Heh...thought not. No, you're angry because you're confused. Because this island and it's people aren't the devils you expected, and you're refusing to see it because you're scared that all you know from Marley is a lie.

Gabi: How do do you-

Y/n: Please Gabi, you're speaking to one of the few people in the world who knows exactly what you're going through. Because I too once stood where we are now, 10 years ago when I was younger than you are now I stood here after getting off of a carriage from a 'devil' who offered to take me to Shiganshina on my first day here. It took some time, I was scared, in disbelief, disorientated but I came to the conclusion that they are people just like us who are capable of great kindness and great evil. It's okay, we were tricked and there's no shame in being mislead when there was no way of knowing any better. You haven't had the best introduction to us, the raid on Liberio should never have happened, this war should never have happened, the breaking of the walls should never have happened, but here we are. What matters is the choices we make, the people we choose to become. I ask you not to judge the character of a people on a specific few, how would you view Marley if you were to judge it on the MPS guards at Liberio's checkpoint? No, I ask you to judge us on our merits and how the people effect you. Have you not been greeted with kindness by the Braus family, the villagers of Dauper when you visit them, the people here in Shiganshina you interacted with today, my friends? We aren't any different from you Gabi, you and I are more similar than you realise. You have good friends here and people willing to help you out in starting a new life amongst your people where you're free and happy. I promise you things will get better, if you give them a chance.

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