The End of a Long Road - Part One

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Mikasa: Y/.../n.../n...Y/n!

Y/n: Ughh my head.

My head felt dizzy and as heavy as a brick with my vision still fading in and out of darkness, the penetrating light through small cracks of the rubble blinding my groggy eyes. Raising my hand I made to feel my head but upon withdrawing my fingers I found them smeared with blood.

Mikasa: Y/n!

The white noise had gone, the ringing in my ears had been replaced with the renewed sounds of battle. Eren's roar and the now quieter crackle of gunfire and explosions accompanied the continuous crashing following the titan's deadly duel. I turned my body to look for the source of the noise, I could see a rough-looking Mikasa through a gap in the debris piled to my right.

Y/n: I-I can hear you.

Mikasa: We have to get out of here now, Eren-!

Y/n: Eren can wait, I need to get my bearings again. How do I look, my head is bleeding?

Mikasa: You've been cut below the ear and on your cheek but it's nothing serious. Are you okay?

Y/n: Fine, got lucky I suppose. Could have been much worse.

I gestured to the debris around us, a section of the wall had collapsed in front of me and had only been halted from crushing me by the wall behind me, forming a pyramid-like structure overhead. One of my gas canisters on my legs had come undone in the collapse and had been crushed by the wooden beam which now lay dangerously close to my face, groaning in annoyance I turned back to Mikasa.

Y/n: Lost a canister, won't be able to do much without resupplying.

Mikasa: Let's focus on getting out of here come over here I-

The sunlight suddenly shone brightly into our faces as larger holes began to appear in the wall in front of me. Large pieces of debris began to fall so I desperately dived and took cover nearby Mikasa to the side of my small enclosed space.

Sasha: Careful Connie, don't bring down the whole wall!

Y/n: Sasha!

A head poked through that circular hole that Connie had just made in the wall. A relieved smile was inflicted upon both of our faces after seeing each other. I crouched and began to move forward taking her hand and heaving myself through the gap and onto the street by Connie. I dusted myself down as Mikasa soon followed, we looked like ghosts with the white dust that coated us with the only thing standing out on me was the blood that was trickling down my face. I tore a piece of fabric from my white top off and began to wrap it around my wound so I could halt the blood flow.

Connie: Glad to see you two are okay.

Sasha: We saw the building collapse with you two on it and I-

Mikasa: -Is Eren okay?

Sasha: Look for yourself.

We turned our heads to look down the street at the sight of Eren landing an uppercut on Annie and then kicking her in the chest which sent her tumbling further away to the edge of the district and near the gate Eren had made 4 years prior.

Y/n: Either he's really good or she's gotten sloppy.

Connie: Maybe both?

Mikasa: Enough, we need to help him.

Connie: Wait! We can't!

He grabbed Mikasa's arm as she was about to take off. She turned with a growl before irritably shaking him off.

Y/n: Why not?

Sasha: The captain came to us with a mission from Erwin. He wants us to take out the jaw titan.

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