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Y/n: We're almost here Sasha, I can see the headquarters through the trees now.

Sasha had been daydreaming for the past hour on the back of her horse, bored out of her mind from the monotonous ride that twisted throughout the Wall Rose countryside.

Sasha: Back to saving humanity by constantly cleaning for the captain *sigh*, wish we could have spent more time at home.

Y/n: Yeah I enjoyed it whilst it lasted, thanks for inviting me.

Sasha and I had set off that morning to return to the scout HQ in Wall Rose which by comparison to my journey from Orvud to Dauper was a very short ride. The three relaxing weeks had been fun. I had gotten to know the family a lot better and built a good relationship with them, especially Charlie, and allowed my leg to heal to a point where it was now perfectly fine to use how I wanted.

Slowing our horses in front of the compound gates we trotted them into the HQ complex to see a hive of activity.

Y/n: Woah... you seeing this?

Sasha: How could I not? I've never seen so many scouts before.

The number of scouts had increased exponentially, at least from what I could see. Wagon convoys were being loaded up with long boxes and supplies whilst other wagons were arriving at the same time as us, full to the brim of soldiers from different regiments. Horses were being led to their stables by frantic scout recruits whilst squads with members and insignia I had never seen before were being led past them to the training area in the forest where we could see at least a hundred scouts crowding around the edge.

After dismounting Sasha and I began to take our horses towards their designated stalls in the regiments stables whilst staring in wonder at the chaos of the activity around us but were distracted by a loud yet tired voice coming from behind.

Eren: Hey guys! There you are, was wondering when you would turn up.

Eren was walking up to us with one of those long crates I had seen under his arm, Mikasa followed close behind with three of the same. Eren looked paler than usual, his hair was more stringy and he had bags under his eyes despite his cheerful demeanour.

Y/n: We just got back, the holiday period is over now after all. Are you okay? You don't look that good.

Mikasa: See Eren, he's been back only a few minutes and he's already noticed.

Eren: Mikasa I'm fine!

Sasha: You don't look it Eren I think she has a point.

Eren: Its nothing I've just been doing a lot of hardening experiments, creating the "executioner from hell" for the section commander in all the outlier districts whilst you've been away. They're all made now so I'm only doing normal experiments alongside our team duties, no big deal.

Y/n: If you're sure... by the way what are in those big crates you are carrying? Keep seeing them all over the place.

Eren: You'll see later, the section commander is going to brief the new arrivals on them. Anyway I better get back to it, need to deliver a lot more crates to the supply convoy. See you later.

Eren walked back to the cart he was previously loading with Mikasa following closely behind.

Mikasa: Eren if it's too much I'll carry you don't need to-

Eren: -Mikasa I don't nee...

They drifted out of earshot as we continued towards the stables, passing by a bunch of people from the garrison being led around by a scout captain.

Y/n: I think they must be new recruits, can't see why other regiments might be here otherwise.

Sasha: Obviously, I realised that as soon as we got here. You know sometimes you're pretty slow.

Attack on Titan: Revelationsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें