☆Chapter 20☆

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"So, you're sure about going back home right now?" Asked Peter.

   (Y/n) looked into his deep brown eyes. She could almost trick herself into seeing her own reflection in them.

   "You should stay tonight, you know?" Without a furrow in his brows, his eyes managed to showcase evident concern. "Until tomorrow, when everything's settled down out there."

   "Peter, I have to get back to my parents." She reasoned. "I can't fake that I'm home all the time; it's too tiring." She shifted to lay on her side. They both were laying down on Patty's bed, whispering amongst themselves. The little girl was still in the room, playing pretend while talking aloud to her dolls.

   The last thing they wanted was for Peter's sister to listen in on their conversation. They tried to keep the frightening Sentinel robots out of her head for as long as they could. (Y/n) returned her gaze to her friend.

   "Besides, it's all cleared outside," she reached over and ruffled the boy's silver hair. "You're usually so calm. Why start freaking out now?" She continued to mess up his hair as he weakly tried to pry her arms away.

   The two laughed, though Peter managed to speak between his giggles. "Yeah, sure, I'm worried for you this one time- one time- so, sue me!" He finally managed to grab (Y/n) by the wrists and hold her still, looking into her eyes, knrinkled from smiling so brightly. "I just don't want to lose you..."

   At that moment, the tone shifted between them. Silence filled the room as Patty ran out to play in the living room with her laughter trailing after her. The soles of her shoes tapped away against the floor and faded out of hearing range. (Y/n) looked at Peter a second time with a skipping heart and faltering smile.

   "You're so serious now; what's going on with you?" She whispered. Did Peter seriously think something was going to happen to her? "You saw the TV not long ago... that woman saved the president, the men we helped stop the Sentinels - Trask isn't going to do anything, at least in the meantime?"

   It was true. While they played with Patty, they had the TV going on in the living room. Peter sped over every minute or so to check the situation as they updated it live. He saw it himself and discretely told (Y/n) the news. Trask was arrested, and mutants might have a chance at a normal life outside of hiding.

   Though Peter insisted (Y/n) stay. He didn't want to risk her safety over naively thinking the Sentinels and Trask were done with their fight.

   Peter sighed, rubbing his thumbs on her skin while his hands remained wrapped around her wrists. "...things are different now, (Y/n).... you're..." Should he confess then and there? He hesitated and actively chose to choose his words carefully.

   The heart in his chest began to beat rapidly.

   "What...?" She questioned, eyeing his features suspiciously.

   "...you're... special to me, okay? You're... essentially my best and only friend, and I can't lose you to some stupid, anti-mutant robots." He broke eye contact and let her go. Without facing her, he sat up on the bed and ran his hand through his already-messy hair. "You have to be careful. You're not used to it just yet. It hasn't caught up to you. But, when you've lived as long as me as a mutant, you realize how easy it is to just hide, to shut the world out."

   (Y/n) could feel the tension dissipate and be replaced with an unexpected emotion; pure uncertainty.

   She moved to sit beside him, softly smiling and pulling him into a side hug. "You're going soft on me, Pete..." Her hand soothingly rubbed his shoulder. "You're... you're my best friend, too, the feeling's mutual."

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