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☆ UPDATE ☆ [11.3.2023] ☆

Hi, again. I hope you're doing well 💖

I had a rheumatologist appointment a week or so back, and he confirmed that he thinks I have lupus.

I'm on medication for it, and it made the pains and rashes go away exponentially, thank God. But, brain fog, random bouts of depression and anxiety, and fatigue are still there. I can't be in the sun anymore either, which means low vitamin d and more chances of depression.

I'm still trying to work on my certifications, but I miss writing and drawing too much to quit them. So, I'm going to try and write again although I feel drained and sleepy most days 🥲

I'm just taking things one day at a time, and trying to minimize stress, which can cause flares, too.

Thank y'all for reading and, if you need to hear it, I'm telling you now— if you feel pain or think something is wrong with your physical or mental health, please, go tell your doctor.

If that doctor doesn't believe you or they ignore you (saying you're a hypochondriac, researching online too much, "you look healthy," or are "too young," etc.), go to another doctor, please.

Someone will listen and you will be taken care of. It's better to be safe than sorry, so don't feel bad for bringing things up with a doctor. You're not lying; you're not crazy; if something feels off, it probably is. Go get help, please.

Thank you again, I hope you're doing well,

☆ UPDATE ☆ [8.1.2023] ☆

Hey, y'all!

I'm not dead!

But I may have lupus!

And that scares me, but we're getting things sorted out. I'm put on medication and I've got doctor appointments in a couple of months 🙁

Sorry for the lack of updates; I just graduated and I'm going through more certifications and exams so I can snatch myself a job.

Thank you for the support,
S0UP66 💜

☆ UPDATE ☆ [5.3.2023] ☆

Hey, y'all, thanks for reading this!

I appreciate your support and patience! I never expected the story to do so well, but here we all are :)

Now, I know I've been promising a new chapter for MONTHS and I feel so terrible about showing up with nothing 🙃 But, to be honest, it's because I'm in a slump.

Months ago I had a surgery, recovered from it, but still felt unwell. I have on and off functional depression, I think, because for the past several years it's been so hard to do things I used to love. Video games feel like a chore, reading is hard for me to focus on, and writing is going back into a halt (but not for long).

Since the end of 2019, start of 2020, I noticed some changes. I kept feeling sad, like nothing mattered or made me happy like before, and I felt alone and stuck. On top of that, I was getting terrible allergies, joint pain in my hands, hair loss, and an eczema rash that just got worse.

My leg would swell at times, my joint paint spread to my knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and lower back. Then I noticed random bruises, muscle pain, and a rash on my face, too. Eventually I had chest pain along with worsening symptoms.

I went to a doctor that actually listened and referred me to a rheumatologist. He listened to me, too, and suggested I had an autoimmune issue. Turns out, I have a vitamin D deficiency and I'm waiting for further treatment. It can cause depression and mood swings along with all the other physical complications I've been experiencing. I don't know what caused this, but I'm hoping to find answers soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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