☆ Chapter 19 ☆

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'Why's Rubin with her?' Thought Peter. 'He's such a buzzkill and he's so self-righteous, it's unbearable!'

    He chagrined and recoiled from where he stood, watching his best friend laugh alongside the guy who hated his guts. It was obvious to everyone but (Y/n) that Rubin liked her, a lot. Every chance he got to see her, he took, and Peter hated it.

    Stealing every moment to be with (Y/n) was his thing, so Rubin had to step aside. Or, at least, that's what Peter believed.

    Without much thought, he zipped over and joined the two, walking in between the two. "Hey, guys!" Said Peter with a smile, displaying his dimples and a curious spark in his eyes. "What's going on here?"

   "Peter!" Cried (Y/n). "I knew you were around somewhere I could—" she paused and looked over to Rubin. He doesn't know she can hear people's thoughts, and thank God he didn't. She chuckled softly and looked back to Peter who raised a brow, warning her to tread carefully. "I could just feel the darnest sense that you were nearby! Haven't talked to you in a minute, I mean."

    Rubin scoffed a laugh and repositioned his stance. "Hey, Peter, what's got you to come here? I thought you liked to stay home, crash in your mom's basement?"

    (Y/n) flicked her head around. The passive-agressive tone in his voice was dripping. But, before she could get a word out, Peter placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into Rubin's eyes.

   "Yeah, well, I thought I'd be a good pal and return (Y/n)'s notes." He gave a wry smile, pulling out the red spiral from his jacket and handing it over to her.

    "Oh, thanks, I had no idea that I even lost it!" (Y/n) nervously laughed, but the tension between the two boys still remained. "But I should really be handing these back."

    Now it was Rubin's turn to snicker. "Thank you for handing back my notes, Peter. You probably wouldn't know, but they help in the long run when taking so many courses."

   Peter shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, well, college isn't necessary for everyone, so you can shove your notes up—"

    "Thank you for lending me the notes, Rubin," (Y/n) Interjected.

   Peter furrowed his brows and turned to his friend. He knew she kind of liked Rubin; of course she'd try and diffuse a fight if it arose ever between them. He mentally chided himself for the lack of control he held.

   Rubin nodded and walked over to give a quick side-hug to (Y/n). "It was no problem, really." He looked to Peter with a grin. "But, anyway, I really should get going." He quickly smiled to his friend one more time before taking a few steps away, then turning around abruptly. "And, (Y/n), please consider going to that conference if you can!" Then, he faced forward once again and walked off.

    (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the boy. She appreciated his kindness that she had hadn't noticed until recently. She was beginning to warm up to Rubin almost every time they spoke, which concerned Peter greatly.

    Peter's face distorted into near disgust as he leaned forward to see the faint smile on (Y/n)'s lips as she watched Rubin leave. He even thought for a second that he was perhaps moving too quickly, causing (Y/n) to appear as though she wasn't moving.

    But, no, she was merely in a daze. Peter waved his hand in front of the girl, snapping her into reality.

    "Hello? (Y/n), wake up and look at me!" He said in the neediest tone he subconsciously could make.

    As he wanted, she broke away from her daze.

    "Huh, oh, sorry about that... what were you saying?" She smoothed out her hair and turned to give her full attention to her friend.

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