♡ A/N ♡ Q&A ♡

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Just some questions on topics I feel the need to touch upon in case anyone was curious.

Thought this might be helpful to those wondering.

Q. I thought in the X-Men movies that Peter had two sisters?

A. Yeah, I just remembered that. I searched it up and, apparently, both sisters are left nameless. The youngest one wasn't even shown on screen; she was only briefly mentioned.

   In order to avoid too much confusion, I wrote the story as though there was only one sister. I know in the film he doesn't have twin sister either, so I figured she couldn't be Wanda even though I'd like her to be in canon. Of course, this is a fan-fiction, so I could just add her in, but I don't want to stray too far apart from the movies.

Again, it's to minimize confusion.

Q. Why did it take so long just to get to scenes from the film(s)?

A. As much as I'd want to go straight into the films, it wouldn't make it a great story (at least in the way I want this story to go).

   I want the relationship to build and not be forced. I know readers (like myself, I'll be honest) want to see characters get along right off the bat, but, in actuality, it doesn't usually work that way. In other words, I don't want to even give the idea that a relationship was built on infatuation rather than natural attraction.

To make it short, I wanted to formulate a foundation for the relationship instead of diving straight in.

Q. Will other characters from the franchise be involved in the story as well?

A. Yes, definitely planning on it and I am also very much looking forward to it. The other characters of the franchise add on the possibilities between interactions and situations they face.

   I feel like once they're all introduced (or at least, whenever a few of them), the story will be brought to life and seem more like an investive and interesting read. Until then, this reads as an prologue within the first few chapters.

Q. What's with the music that accompanies each chapter? Is there any significance or?

A. Yes and also no, but mostly yes.

   See, I try and keep it along the theme of the chapter while also keeping it within the time period of when things take place. In the first few chapters, the setting takes place in the 70's so I try to choose music from that decade.

   I know, it bothers me that not all the songs are from 1973 exactly, but it's just for the feel of the chapter for the most part. But, I did manage to get 'Dancing in the Moonlight' in a chapter which was actually from the year 1973, so that's great. All in all, if the song is mentioned within the story (acknowledged by the characters), then I've checked of it was from the year the story is taking place in.

   For future chapters when we get into the other plots of the films, I'll put in 80's music, maybe even 90's and 2000's once we get there (if I ever make the time skip to the present anyway).

P.S., this song attached to this section is just for funzies; no significance onto the story.

Q. How are you planning the dynamic between (Y/n) and Peter?

A. I see Peter's character and personality as someone who's bored; does what they want, when they want; slightly impulsive; an adrenaline-junky; but also wants to keep everyone's best interest in mind. He's not trying to hurt anyone or make anyone upset; he just wants a good time and is ready for the thrill.

   As for (Y/n), she's not quite the opposite, although her approach to certain situations are different. She does like a surprise every now and then, but she's also someone that appreciates strategy. In other words, she's not against having fun when she can afford it, but she also tries to identify her limitations. She's the conscience that Peter sometimes lacks, while Peter is the push towards adventure that she needs.

   Not to mention, I also considered Peter's personality type when writing this (yes, I like MBTI, sorry if you hate me for it; it's just too interesting imo).

   Peter's a complete ESTP and I usually gravitate towards xSTP characters even if I'm basically the opposite (INFJ). I know people say that most xNFJ and xSTP relationships (platonic or romantic) are difficult, but I see it being paired way too often in media to turn it away.

   I see that, when it does happen to work out between these personalities, it's a key fit match. They end up balancing the other so well that it's undeniably charming to watch. I guess it's opposites attract, but the starting attraction between these personalities for it to work is a work in progress, but a rewarding one, nonetheless.

Q. Why is (Y/n)'s power Telekinesis? Isn't that OP and will make a boring story with a 'Mary-sue' kind of character?

A. Geez, didn't have to call me out like that (._.)

   But, seriously, I feel like it's a fun power to have, though I think it does have its limitations.

   First, the user has to be mentally strong enough to master or even just learn how to use a telekinetic ability.

Secondly, some aspects of the power may come easier than others, creating a struggle for (Y/n) to get a hold of.

Third, There are many possibilities left with Telekenisis, which is why it's fun to write about, even if there are two other characters that have the same ability. It goes to show that a 'common' mutation can still vary from person to person in usage.

   Basically, there's a lot (Y/n) has to learn by the end of the book.

   Also, I just wanted to make the character's powers based off of Saiki K because I love that show and that character. 'Thought it'd be a fun challenge to make up situations using a Telekenetic character. In other words, it still forces me to be creative and think outside of the box.

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