Part 22

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Hoseok: Where is Choi?

Namjoon: Not a clue. We need to find Jin and Y/n soon.

Jungkook: Jin..

Jimin: Huh? What about him?

Jungkook: We need to find Jin. Y/n can wait, im sorry to say that. But you all know as well as I do Choi will kill him before he does anything to her. He needs Y/n. For what i don't know.

Namjoon: Jungkook you never would say that. What has gotten into you? You care about Y/n. Heck you love her just like the rest of us.

Jungkook: Jin is family..All of us have been with each other for so long. Y/n..Y/n wasn't there for years.

Tae: We are the ones that left. Us. Y/n never left us. We left her.

Jungkook: But its not like we have't done it before. She has been trapped here for a while. I get we all lover her, but she doesn't love all of us. It's Tae! Tae is who she cares about. 

Tae: That isn't true. She doesn't show it! Y/n cares about all of us Kookie and you know it. We are not leaving her behind.

???: AHHHHH!! Let him go!

Our heads swung to the right. All of us rushed into one of the rooms. Antiques all over the floor, dirt from vases smashed into the carpet. 

Namjoon: Y/n!

Choi had jin by the neck. His eyes looked swollen, blood all over his face, and poor Y/n was trying to fight him off. There was something different about Choi his eyes were fully black it covered the whites if his eyes, wings were sprouted from both sides it looked like leather, fangs poked out from his lips, and long nails dug into Jin's skin.


Y/n: let him go..He is my friend. My best friend.

Jin: Y/n...please no. Let hi-

Choi's hand gripped harder stopping Jin from talking.

Choi: You will not speak vermin.

Y/n: Let Jin go. I will marry you instead if you do. Promise. We can run away together.

Choi: Hmmm sounds tempting.

Namjoon: NO! No marriage. Y/n tell us who do you love. You can get out of this if you say it.

Yoongi: Yeah so what if some of us get hurt. We care about you.

Choi: You all are so annoying, pathetic even.

A screech so loud came from Choi's throat it made the ground rumble beneath our feet. Obviously he wont listen to reason. We need to get him out of the picture now. Yoongi had the sword in his hand still. Hmm maybe that will work.

Y/n: First let Jin down. Now.

Choi: Fine.

He throws Jin acrossed the room. Jin was coughing. It sounded horrible. 

Namjoon: JIN!

Running over to him I get up to his feet.


Choi: You think seven puny vamps can kill me. You will need more than just that sword. 

Hoseok: You will die here and now!

Namjoon: Jin do you think you can stand?

Jin: I will do more than that. We are going to fight for Y/n's freedom. All of us caused this. If we never handed her over this would have never happened. I tried convincing you it was a terrible idea.

Namjoon: I know and I am sorry Jinnie.

Jin: NO time for apologies now we fight.

Nodding I looked up at Choi. Can we really get rid of a demon vampire that has probably been alive for centuries. No idea, but we are surely going to try.

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