Part 17

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Humming filled my ears as my eyes fluttered open moving my head to stare at person making the soft tune. Tae smiled at me holding up a rose in his hand. Aww so sweet!

Tae: Thought this would make you feel better. And sorry for climbing into the bed with you I thought you needed comfort. Tossing and turning in your sleep.

Y/n: Thank you that is very sweet of you and nah your good. Didn't mind it did help.

Tae: I miss my room. My bed is comfy!

Y/n: Haha I get it

Tae: But I wouldn't trade helping you to go back. You are top priority right now.

Beep Beep! My phone decided to go off and a message appeared on the screen.


Y/n you know I have your number. Should have put a tracker in it. Don't know where you have gone, but I need you to come back. I can't prove those idiots didn't assist you in escaping. Oh but I have a plan to draw you out of hiding. Mark my words girl I will make your life living hell for all eternity. The boys gave me your number when I came to collect you. Choi is sending out people to look around. Now I am gonna say this once and one time only. If you do not come back to my palace. I mean it and be alone I will kill off those pests like I should have a long time ago.

P.S. You looked stunnning in that dress. Almost wish we could have kids, but you know can't our insides are dead.

Sincerely, Hansol

Wow. Taes face contorts and a worried expression sits on his face. 

Tae: Y/n whats wrong?

Y/n: Nothing just Namjoon said he has a surprise for me when this is all over.

Tae: OOOO that is cool wonder what it is, but your lips they are frowning. How can I not think something is wrong when you look like that.

Y/n: I am ok don't worry.

I try my best to assure him that I am alright, but what am I going to do?? Hansol is a monster. One thing is for certain I ain't letting him kill my boys. No sir. My life would fall apart without them. Yoongi with his always sleeping attitude, Namjoon how protective he is over everyone, Jimin well he is very sweet even if he can be a little weirdo, Kookie how kind and shy, Jin the way he acts like the mom of the group, Hoseok the way he can make us all laugh, and Tae well he is down to do anything to protect he people he cares about. Why would I let Hansol take away their lives? Their eyes stripped away of any life no thank you. Maybe I need to go back to just get married with Hansol so they can live. I wont let them die for me.

Tae: I am hungry.

Y/n: Did you come prepared?

Tae: Nope but there is a receptionist.

Y/n: NO! NO! No way Tae. You are not gonna go drain her.

Tae: Why not she apparently is getting old. So what is the use?

Y/n: Tae this is unlike you.

Tae: I am Hungry Y/n and I know deep down you are too.

Y/n: I am not seeking my fangs into an innocent person.

Tae: How will you keep Hansol from reading your thoughts? Cuz without to actually drink from someone you are out of luck.

Y/N: Do I really have to is there another way?

Tae: Nope you need to take a human life. Drain them. Drink their warm blood from the lifeless body. But never drink from the dead. It don't count, but also you will get sick.

Y/n: This is unfair.

Tae: Life isn't fair Y/n I am sorry to tell you that, but please for me just this one time then after you can drink from bags if that makes you feel better.

But Yoongi said not to draw attention to this place. What can one person hurt you know?

Y/n: Not the receptionist though please people will know something is up if she goes missing

Tae: I get it receptionist off the table got it. I will find someone so dont worry. Be right back ok.

I watched as he exited the room. How am I gonna take a human life this is all to much.

Vampire Love {Sequel} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now