Part 10

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I was walking out of the dining room to collect my thoughts. Dinner was amazing I am glad he wasn't in there with me it would have been awkward.

Hansol: Y/n may I have a word with you?

Y/n: Ah yes Hansol.

We walked until we entered I think his bed room. It looked magnificent, the walls were white marble, candles were decorated  around the room with a chandelier  hanging in the middle of the room. The bed was silk red bed sheets and cute little decorative  pillows sat beautifully. It smelled wonderful in here I couldn't describe the scent.

Hansol: So what was your issue today I am co concerned?

Y/n: It's nothing I promise

Hansol: You are lying to me

He stepped forward his hand grabbed mine.

Y/n: I-I just want to go home I feel uncomfortable  here this isn't where I belong.

Hansol: Of course it is! Your beauty doesn't compare to any other girl I have seen in my life time. Those boys were lucky to have you near them. But they didn't take advantage of it.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Hansol: At least one of them should have took the opportunity  to try and marry you. It would have made their status in the Vampire community higher to have a beautiful  bride as yourself.

Y/n: Listen I am not ready to become a bride. I turned into a vampire not that long ago. Speaking of that I had to learn a whole bunch of abilities  in a few days. It was difficult, but I got through it was because of them.

Hansol: I do understand what you are saying.

Y/n: Does that mean you are going to allow me to return to them??

Hansol:Heavens no. It just makes me want to keep you more.

He smirked and told me to leave bis bedroom. You know this guy creeps me out sometimes. Heading back to my room one of the maids was walking and opened my door for me.

Y/n: thank you.

Maid: Your welcome miss.

Well time to retire to bed. I am just beat after today. So he understood what I was saying, but won't allow me to leave and be happy? What a guy..


Today is the day.. Maids entered my room gathering me and putting the dress on my body.

Y/n: I can dress myself I assure you.

Maid: Miss you need to look very nice or Master Hansol won't bat an eye at you.

Y/n: huh??

Maid 2: Shut up you imbecile..

What are they talking about?? Are they crazy? I will not be an object or have his eyes wander where they shouldn't.

Y/n: I feel uncomfortable..

Maid 1: OH miss we wont be long and then you can walk out of here with Master Hansol on your arm.

Maid2: More like she is on his arm..

I heard a smack come from behind me.

Maid 1: Don't talk like that Miss Y/n is beautiful Hansol is lucky to have her in his  life.

Y/n: I am not even his girlfriend. We never even started to date. Why are you saying that?

Looking at her in the mirror. Her eyes met mine and anger filled them.

Maid 1: You should be happy he chose you over any of the girls that has had their eyes on him.

With that she left the room and the other one followed after her. Thank goodness I was getting sick of hearing them talk about Hansol. Little do they know I am basically on the chopping block and it all depends on Choi. So let's hope he chooses me to live. I do hope I can see the guys there. It's just what if Hansol won't let me leave his side?

Sorry for the long wait I was busy with work and dealing with loss. I never got the chance to upload I do hope you guys like this one. Thank you all for the kind words  on my story.😊

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