🔥Love Beyond Limits-69🔥

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Chapter 69: Evil in the house!

The episode starts with Riddhima coming back to house after meeting Sanjay. Sanjay's words were going on in her mind. She was in a state of shock, confusion and anxiety at the same time. Whatever Sanjay had told her or the proofs that he had shown her, it made her mind clear at one side but scared on the other side. She went to her room and locked the door. She kept on thinking, roaming from one corner to the other but was not able to think the right step to be taken. At last, she decided to confront and to solve the matter once and for all. Thinking so, she called someone from her private number and said(changing her voice),

"I know everything that you have done! I know the mystery of this kidnapping! I have got proofs too! If you want those proofs to not reach Riddhima then come to meet me at the address that I have texted you!"

Saying so, she cut the call and texted the address.

The scene shifts to a dark room where there was nothing but a dim light bulb focusing on a table and couch beside it. There was an envelope lying on the table and Riddhima was sitting on the couch in a serious and strict manner. She looked calm and sorted but inside, she was furious with a heart having no mercy at all.
She was waiting for someone prpbably tge one whom she texted. After a while, the door of tha room opened and a person entered. Riddhima looked up amd stared that person with a smirk. That person seeing Riddhima, instantly turned back and tried to run away but the door got closed automatically. The person was facing Riddhima's back. Riddhima starts talking in a serious tone,
R: Its not possible always to run away from the sins you have done! Not every text is meant to blackmail a person for some evidences. Some deals can be a trap too. Isn't it Annie?

And the person turns facing Riddhima. Her face is revealed to be Annie!

She was shocked and sweating heavily. Se was looking here and there fidgeting her fingers. Riddhima gets up furiously from the couch and says,

Rid: I must say what a wonderful plan you had made! If I had not got proofs then I would never have believed that....YOU WERE NEVER KIDNAPPED!!!! You faked this kidnapping drama for your own benefits! I can't believe you stoop so low!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!

Annie was scared and trembling with fear. All she could say was,
Annie: Riddh...Riddhima what are yoi saying? I...I haven't done anything! How can I lie about my kidnapping?

R: Oh really?
Riddhima held up the envelope and opened it. It had several pictures inside it. She thrashed those pictures in her hand angrily and said,
R: This is the proof!!

Annie looked at the pictures and got shocked,

Those were the pictures of the lady who had kidnapped Sanjay and who had held Nayra as hostage. Yes!! The lady was Annie!!!

Flashback shows Sanjay telling Riddhima that Annie is the one who is herself involved in girls trafficking. She was not kidnapped but actually faking her kidnapping drama. She is the one working for someone else. Her boss had asked him to kill Nayra but she was the one who kept her alive for her own motives. She was the one who kidnapes mentally unstable persons for girls trafficking.

Annie looks at the pictures and starts panicking and crying.
A: Riddhima! This is not true! What are you saying! No No! Its not like that! You are wrong! The truth is.....(expressions changed into an evil smirk) I am way more worse than what you think of me!

Riddhima gets shocked. Annie starts moving around Riddhima and says,

Annie: Well! I must say! You are a very smart cop! Otherwise, its not easy to catch Annie!
She laughs.

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