✨ Love Beyond Limits✨

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The contract!!!!

The episode starts with Sejal noticing Riddhima and calling her.

Riddhima looked at Sejal,
R: (turning towards her) Sejal!!! ( then, She realized that sejal is also with RaiSinghanias).
She immediately stopped, again into her bossy attitude, She said,
R: Sia! You can take a leave for the rest of the day and go back with your family to your home. I think they also need a cleanup. Aryan and Kabir! (Looking at them) Clean yourself and Come to my office ASAP.
Kabir and Aryan: Sure!!!
Sejal was shocked at Riddhima's attitude as she didn't even bother to greet her.
Sejal: Riddhima You here?
She had tears in her eyes.
R:(cold and fierce): Why won't I be here? This is my hospital Miss Sejal!
Sejal was strick at the word "Miss".
Sejal: Riddhima I.....
R: I guess you are with these Raisinghanias. Nice meeting you. I have some work (To Sia) You have a new visitor I guess. Go home. Have fun.
Saying so, she left from there.

Everyone went home and Riddhima after getting freshen up came to her office and was waiting for The boys.
Aryan and Kabir in Restroom,
A: Kabir! Who will save us from Angry Bird today??
K: You should have thought about it before creating all this mess.
A: I was doing this deliberately so that she might speak up something about Vansh and riddhima Ma'am.
K: What a stupid plan Aryan! You were fighting with her over coffee.
A: I was just making her angry so that I can divert the topic towards riddhima and she blurts out everything. But you came there and started your own fight.
K: You were fighting deliberately!!
A: As if your were not involved. Right??
K: I know very well. Don't remind me. Now, The fact is ..We are gone now.
They reached Riddhima's cabin and knocked on the glass door.
Riddhima gave them a deadly angry look and said,
R: Come in.
The came inside.
A: You called us here Ma'am?
K: Is it Anything important?
R: Don't try to act innocent in front me you both. What was happening there? Did I got both of you here for this? You both have disappointed me today. You know well how much dangerous all this is. But your mission is going on in some other direction. Tell me. What was the reason for fight.
The boys thought that Riddhima might get to know about the plannings they were having to disclose the mystery of past. So, they immediately diverted the topic.
A: Oh it was nothing Ma'am. You know me. I was just flirting with her and she turned out to be a Mogambo.
R(murmurs): His Brother is no less than a mogambo.
A: What?
R: nothing.
K: Sorry Ma'am. It will never happen again.
R: I hope so. And...
Riddhima looked like she was tensed.
K: What is it?
R: I have got the news about our two men. They got shot today.
A(shocked): What? But!!
R: It was a shoot out. They took the bullets meant for Dad. He is safe now. I have increased the security and appointed more men with him.
K: So, the danger is approaching from both sides.
A: We have to be extra careful.
R: Yeah. The success of this mission is very crucial for us and for Dad.

After this, they also went to their home. In VR mansion, Angrey told about all the incidents of one week to Sejal and left her shocked. Then, Angrey went out to receive a call and Sejal sat on thinking in her room.
Sejal( To herself): I have to meet her tomorrow. Though she did so much, But I also never tried to talk to her after that incident. I should atleast go and see her once.

Meanwhile in Vansh's room,
Vansh: I need to talk to her. I can't bear it more. He called at the hospital.
Voice: Hello! Lifeline Hospital! How may I help You?
V: I want to talk to Dr. Riddhima. Tell her its Vansh RaiSinghania speaking.
Voice: Sir! She went home. If its urgent I can give you her number.
V: sure!
He gave Riddhima's no. To Vansh and Vansh dialled it which is immediately picked up,
R: Hello! Whose there?
V: Vansh RaiSinghania.
R: What do you want?
V: Come to Vintage Cafe at 8:00pm. I need to talk about something.
R: I am busy I am not coming. If you wanna talk then just speak here.
V: I am not giving you a choice for no. Just come or else I will create so much mess that tomorrow Your Hospital will be officially titled as zoo.
R( Irritated): Ok fine. I will come. But not more than 30 minutes. I have much more to do than Bearing your ego.
V: Atleast there is something that is bothering you about me.
R: Whatever.
Vansh ended a call with a smirk.
R(to herself): What is he upto now?

Riddhima reached the cafe where Vansh was Waiting for him. She came and sit in front of him.
R: Why have you called me here?
V: Don't be so rude with me. (Smirk): Lets First order something.
He gestured the waiter and asked him,
V: Bring two coffees with light sugar.
There was a silence at the table. Aftersometime, the waiter brought two cups of coffee. He put it on the table.
Riddhima dragged both the cups towards her side.
V: One is mine.
R: So What? You can order for yourself. I wanted to take two. You should have asked me before ordering.
V: Obviously You will take two. One for yourself and one for your Attitude!
R: Then, You should also order two and better add some more sugar in it. You need to have some more sweetness in your life.
V: Sweetness will definitely vanish when a person like YOU enters in one's life.
The waiter was irritated with their continuous baseless arguments so he interrupted,
W: Sir! What would you like to order?
V: Just bring one cup of coffee with less sugar.
He went away and brought another one and left immediately. They were sipping their coffee and reminiscing the moments of coffee fight. Both of them were smiling unnoticed by other. Vansh looked at Riddhima. She looked back and noticing his gaze, spoke,
R: Lets come to the point. Why did you call me here?
V: (evil smirk): I have a deal for you. (Sliding a blank cheque towards her) Fill whatever amount you want and just LEAVE This city. Simple, Loud and clear!
R(shocked): What?
V: Yeah. As much money you want, You can write that figure. But After that, You will never ever come back in my life or in This city.
R( hurt but composing herself ): Ok then tell me one thing. What will you do if You were in my place?
V: Being in your place means being with your mindset. And If I think With your mindset then I will definitely say Yes to this deal.
R(Smirking): But lets go with the reality. Me in my place. And I REJECT this offer.
V(shocked): What?
R: No. Its a SIMPLE, LOUD AND CLEAR NO!!! to your deal. (With anger in her voice) I am not going anywhere and I don't give a damn about your money. You can't buy me Mr. RaiSinghania. You better don't cross your limits.
V(anger): VR limit cross nhi krta. SET krta hai.(VR never crosses the limits. VR Actually SETS the limits.) and You!!! Just do whatever you want to. Sia will resign tomorrow from your hospital.
R: She can't.
V: And why is that?
R(witha chill tone):Because Mr. RaiSinghania!! She has signed a contract which states that She cannot leave this job until she completes her internship. And the duration of her internship is of 6 months. So, If she left breaking the contract deal, then....
V: Then whatever the cost is written, I will pay it.
R: Who said that she has to pay me for this. Actually, If she breaks this contract then she will spend the next 6 years in jail.
V(shocked): How dare you made this contract!!! Stay in your limits Riddhima!!!
R: I don't need your permission Mr. RaiSinghania, to decide the terms and conditions of MY contract. And secondly, YOU are crossing your limits by trying to bribe me in leaving this city. Dont force me to file a case against your daily basis threats and this bribery act. YOU better remain in your limits Mr. RaiSinghania. Don't tell me mine.
V(dumbstruck with her attitude): So Now YOU have got the audacity to threaten me??
R(serious): I do what I want to.. You better ask your sister. She signed the contract. I thought she is Vansh RaiSinghania's sister. So, she should have read it carefully.
Vansh angrily punched the table with his hand, he got a cut and it started bleeding. Riddhima looked at his cut and it gave a pain to her heart. She looked in other direction to avoid her emotions that were coming out of her eyes in the form of tears. She took out a handkerchief from her bag and gave it to him not making an eye contact. Vansh looked at her and immediately went out of the cafe. He didn't take her handkerchief. After he went away, She looked at the table and called the waiter. Saying something to him, she also left.
In the parking, the waiter came running to Vansh who has now reached his car.
W: Sir! Sir! You left your mobile and this handkerchief at the table.
V: (taking the cell phone) This handkerchief is not mine.
W: But it was wrapped with your cell phone.
(Flashbacks shows Riddhima looking at the table and finding his cell phone lying there. She kept the handkerchief with cell phone and called the waiter. She told him that Vansh has left it so go and give it to him.)
Vansh takes the handkerchief and wraps it around his bleeding hand. He himself didn't know how but this gave him relief. (Araam de dil ko mere plays)
V(to himself): Why do you care for me now? You are the reason of my pain. Why do you want to heal it now? If you had cared for me you would never ever have given me this pain Riddhima.(In anger) Its all fake!!!!
And he removed the handkerchief and threw it on the passengers seat.
V: (remembering the contract): I have to talk to Sia!!

Love Beyond LimitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora