🔥Love Beyond Limits-56🔥

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Chapter 56: "The Mysterious Girl"

The episode starts with Vansh standing outside emergency ward of a hospital. He looks inside the ward. The girl was being treated. He was utterly confused and had no clue about her. He thought to himself,

"This girl is a mystery. It was not a mere coincidence to first get caught in the stadium and then coming in front of my car. She was pleading me to save her. Throughout the way, she was pleading in her subconscious state. And her wounds!... these are not because of getting hit by car. She merely get touched by the car. Her wounds are about something else."

He double taps his mobile to see the time. The wallpaper showed his and Riddhima's photo. He thinks,

"Should I inform Riddhima? No! She will get worried and start investigating about her. She will not care for her health and the doctor has strictly asked me to take care of her. After a long time, she had started living her life. I cannot let her stress herself once again. I will solve this matter by myself. This wedding is her the most special moment. I cannot spoil it!"

He was in his thoughts when the doctor came out. Vansh became attentive.
V: How is she?
Dr: She is out of danger now but we cannot say anything about her condition at this moment. Her body is really weak after all what she had gone through.
V: What are you talking about??
Dr: Mr. RaiSinghania! After examining her bruises carefully, I am sure that she was being molested or someone was trying to rape her but she ran away and saved herself. Her body had the marks of struggle. And the knife stab is also pointing towards it. Moreover, her body is really weak because she had gone through a surgery some days back.
V: What kind of Surgery?
Dr: Her left side kidney has been removed. But the strange thing is we didn't find any kind of disease or tumour in her body for which her kidney has been removed. We have given some sedatives to her so that she can sleep peacefully as she really looks weary. Her body vitals are also not stable as if she had not eaten properly for days.
V(shocked): When will she get conscious?
Dr: It depends on her body. As soon as her body will respond to our treatment, she will start getting better and will get conscious eventually.
V: I want her to be given the best treatment. And ensure full security in your hospital. I want her to be safe and sound. Inform me when she get stable and conscious.
Dr: Yeah sure! We will give our best!
V: What about her identity? Did you find anything with her by which she can be identified?
The doctor forwarded something towards him.
Dr: We didn't found anything from her pockets except this wallet. But it doesn't belong to her. It has some cards belonging to a male. Maybe this person is the one who tried to molest her or maybe he is related to her. This wallet can help you.
V(taking the wallet): Thanks!

Saying so, he took a glance of the girl being attached to many machinery and then, he went out if the hospital. After few moments, he sat down in his car and removed the wallet from his pocket. He picked one of the business cards glaring at the ID picture and called Angre.

V: Hello! I am sending you a picture of a business card. Get me all the information about this person and when you find him, let me know. (Stern) I want to meet him.

Then, He again dials Angre's number,
V: Also Check all the missing reports that had been registered till now since the past one month and check if there is any report about a missing girl of age between 15-20. Do it ASAP!

He ends his call and thinks deeply,

"Whoever this girl is, I have to find out. I have to find out about those people she was talking about. Why was she pleading to save them. Who are they? And who is she? Her backstory is making me suspicious! Why did she asked my help? Did she know me? But how!!!!"

So many questions were running in his mind. In the emantime, he received Riddhima's call but before he could pick, the phone stopped ringing. Brushing off his thoughts, he started driving towards home.

Love Beyond LimitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora