🎇Love Beyond Limits-47🎇

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Chapter 47: "Check 'N' Mate!!!!"

The episode starts with the next day, at 3:00pm,

Rehaan reaches the Mumbai dock where the drug consignment has arrived. He takes that drug consignemnt and does his deal with Chang. Someone is seen taking their pictures while dealing. After taking that consignment, Rehaan reaches to a place near the godown and waits for Aditya to come.

Meanwhile, Aditya who was planning to sneak out of VR Manion to get the consignment from Rehaan, receives a message from the unknown,

"Told you to be aware Bro! Reach the dock fast or Rehaan will flee away with the drug consignment and......100 crores!"

Aditya gets panicked and rushed towards the door and leaves from there. This was witnessed by Vansh,
V: Where was he going in all this hurry?
He looks towards the clock.
V: In half an hour, Riddhima was going to leave for the godown and he is going out at this time. What's cooking up in his mind? I can't leave this chance. Apart from Rehaan, even Aditya is needed to be caught!
He goes to Riddhima room,
V: Riddhima! Just come with me!
R: What happ...
V(cutting her): No question! Its time.
Riddhima looks in his eyes and nods in yes!

They both leave after 10 minutes towards the godown. At the same time, Rehaan receives a text,

"Aditya is coming to get you arrested. If you want to save your life, just hide in some safe place! Take the drugs with you! Riddhima and Vansh are coming to catch you red-handed! He has cheated you! No bombs are planted in your godown! If you don't believe me, then check the CCTV of VR Mansion"

Rehaan instantly opens the CCTV footage of VR Mansion and sees Aditya leaving and then he listens Vansh saying all that looking towards the clock and then he sees Riddhima and Vansh leaving the VR Mansion. He angrily throws his phone,
Reh(anger): Shit!!!!! Why did I trust him? I knew that he would decieve me! He is indirectly leading Vansh and Riddhima here so that I get caught with the drugs! What should I do? What should I do!!!!!!!!!
He was panicking! He picks up the consignment and runs towards his godown! He enters the godown and looking here and there and finding none, he drags some boxes away from the ground and sweeps the sand away from the floor with his hands. There was a passage in the ground with a door. He opens the door and goes inside the passage in the basement. He opens the lights of the basement and we see many big boxes kept there. He opens all the boxes and there were a large amount of drugs inside it!
Yes! The basement was full of illegal weapons, drugs and many other smuggled items. Rehaan keeps that drugs consignment there and comes out of the passage.
As soon as he comes out of the passage, he sees Aditya standing there. Aditya angrily comes forward and holds him by his collar,
Adi(furious): I told you to not cheat me! But still you tried to double cross me! How dare you stole Charlie's consignment! How dare you run away with my property papers! I will not leave you Rehaan!
He punches him angrily.

Adi(loud): Where are the drugs!!! Where are my property papers!!!
Reh(loud): Just shut up! I didn't decieve you! You were the one who betrayed me! You wanted me to be caught red-handed! So, you made all that plan with Riddhima and Vansh! You were the one who wanted to run away with drugs and all that. You Bas***d!!!!
Adi: Riddhima and Vansh will come at 4:00pm. I told you this!!! Just don't cook up stories with me!
Reh: They are coming here. I have seen them in CCTV! It was in the messages!!!!
Adi: Oh! So you were the one who texted me to come here wrongly. You were the one behind all those messages! Now, I get it! You wanted me to get caught!!! You Bl***y Mo**n!!!!
Rehaan angrily punches Aditya. Aditya punches him in return. They both had a fight. After some minutes, Aditya removes his phone from the pocket and says,
Adi(furious): Let me tell everything to Charlie! He will tell me what to do with you!
He calls Charlie and tells him everything that Rehaan has betrayed them and stolen their drugs consignment.
Reh(furious): I told you I didn't steal anything! When I got to know that Riddhima and Vansh are coming here, I just hid the consignment!!!
Adi: Oh really? Where is it then?
Reh: Come! I will show you!
He takes Aditya with him in the basement.
Reh: Look! Here it is!
He opens the lights and......Gone!
The basement was empty. There was nothing at all in that basement.
Rehaan was shocked.
Adi: Where is it?
Reh: It was...It was here a while ago. Believe me it was here.
Adi(angry): You are gone now!
He pulls out his gun and drags Rehaan up in the godown when they both reach up, Riddhima and Vansh were standing there. Aditya was shocked and so was Rehaan! But to Aditya's good luck, He was holding Rehaan at gun point, he takes the benefite of the situation. He drags Rehaan with him and stands in front of them and starts acting.
Adi: Riddhima! I am glad you are here. This Rehaan! He was running away with that drugs consignment! My informer told me about this and I came to catch him.
Vansh: So, you were here to catch him?
Adi: Of course Vansh! I had no time to inform you both! So, I came here alone! But I couldn't get that consignment.
Reh: This man is lying!!! He is the one who has stolen that consignment from me! He is equally my partener in all this crime.
Adi: What rubbish are you saying Rehaan! Stop it!
V: Riddhima! I am agreeing for the first time with Rehaan, Aditya is his partener!
Adi(furious): Stop it Vansh! Just keep your doubt to yourself!
Riddhima removes out her gun an aims at Rehaan,
Rid: Dare you move from your place! Tell me everything!
Adi: Why are trusting him Riddhima? He is lying!
Rid: Everything will be cleared now!
Rehaan angrily pulls out his gun and points it on Vansh, he was clearly panicking,
Reh: Put your gun down Riddhima or I will shoot Vansh!
Vansh putting his hands in his pockets, standing very calmly, narrowed his eyes and glared him.
Rid: Don't you dare to do anything to him!
Reh(loud): I will kill him!
He loads his gun. Riddhima loads her gun too.
Reh: Riddhima! I said drop your gun or he will be gone too.
Rid(holding her gun more firmly): Not this time Rehaan!
Aditya tries to sneak away from there and steps backward but Vansh shouts out, pointing his gun at Aditya,
V: Dare you take a single step Aditya!
Rid: Vansh! What are you doing?
V: Doing the right thing!
Reh(himself): No No! If anything happened to Aditya, Charlie will not leave me. I have to save him somehow.
Reh: Riddhima! I will kill Vansh. I am asking for the last time!
Adi(himself): If anything happened to Vansh, all the blame will be turned towards me. Riddhima will not leave me.
Adi(furious): Put the gun down Rehaan!
They all were shouting on each other. Rehaan and Aditya were panicking. In all this fuss, Riddhima gestures Vansh with her eyes, and shoots a bullet in the air. At the very same moment, Vansh kicks the ground making the sand to fly up in the air creating dusty atmosphere. In a panicked state, listening to the gunshot and getting dirt in his eyes, Rehaan presses the trigger of his gun out of shock.

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