🎇Love Beyond Limits-26🎇

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Chapter 26: "The breakfast madness!!"

The episode starts with the rising sun of the next day. The early sunlight was coming from the window in Riddhima's room and falling directly on her eyes. This made her awake. She rubbed her eyes, holding her head and got up. She was sitting on the bed holding her head and remembering everything that happened yesterday. Rubbing her face with her heads, she looked up and found Ajay standing beside the door.
R(smiles): Good morning Dad! How are you? Why are you standing there? Come sit!
A: Should I be fine looking at you in this state?
R(observing herself) What happened to me? I am absolutely fine!
A: Really? You think I can't even understand what's going on inside my daughter's heart and mind? You think I am dumb?
Riddhima bowed down her head as she knew that she has no answer for his questions and now, she is going to receive a good amount scolding from him. So, she simply bowed down her head making herself ready.
A: Nothing is going to change by bowing down your head. Look at yourself in the mirror! What have you done with yourself? I don't understand why you want to torture yourself. Have some pity Riddhima! Have some pity on me! You think I am very happy seeing you suffering and sinking day by day? Tell me! Till when are you going to hurt yourself? Or is it for lifetime? And I should stop hoping that One day, My Riddhima will be the same as before. Alive happily, full of life as she used to be before. Tell me. I will stop expecting anything then. You have made yourself like this as a punishment. You think that you will take your revenge, you will give justice to him with this personality. But I am sorry to say that If you think this personality shows you strong and powerful then you are wrong. If you think that with being emotionless and stone hearted, you can defeat him, then you are doing nothing but fooling yourself. This is not going to help Riddhima! This! (Pointing towards her head) This injury which you consider your pride, This is nothing to be proud of. In my eyes, This is the thing that is not letting you move on. This is the thing with which you have not been able to cope up in all these years. This is the only fear that is stopping you and I never expected this that something could scare or stop my Riddhima!! You are not becoming powerful. You are getting weak! With each passing day, you are sinking!!!
Listening to this, Riddhima looked up at him with helplessness and pain. She was not able to say anything.

A: I can clearly see helplessness in your eyes Riddhima! This is not you. This was never you. With this behaviour, You are not only hurting yourself but you are also hurting me, Vansh and everyone else. And specially him!!!!

Riddhima finally spoke in pain,

R: I know Dad! I am disappointing you all. What do I do? The more I try, The more I become weak. When I take one step towards my aim, something happens that pushes me 10 steps backwards from my destination. This life is not mine and you know that. God gave me this life just for one purpose and I have to fulfill that. I don't hate Vansh. Its not that I can't forgive him. I felt the same pain yesterday that he felt. I was hurt because of what he did but I was also hurt by looking at his condition. I don't want to feel any emotions towards him because I don't want him to be my weakness. I don't want him to suffer because of me. Even if I move on with him, What is the guarantee that he is not going to suffer again because of me? Where is the guarantee that if I move on, my fear will not show up again in front of me and destroy my life once again?

She bowed down her head again in her misery with teary eyes.

A: Vansh is not your weakness Riddhima! Vansh is your strength! You should know that. He loves you alot. You know when He knew about your condition,he was....

Riddhima realized something and being tensed, spoke cutting him,

R(tensed): Have you told him about....???

A: No! I didn't told him or anyone that your fainting and bleeding was the side effect of your injury otherwise, they would have questioned regarding all that. But I had to tell them about your nervous breakdown. I know you won't permit but Sia is a doctor. If I hadn't told them, she would have find it out sooner or later.

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