🎇Love Beyond Limits-42🎇

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Chapter 42: "KAVA V/S Aditya"

(Here, KAVA means Kabir, Aryan, Vansh and Angre)

The episode starts with the arrival of Aditya in VR Mansion. Riddhima and everyone welcomes him. Riddhima introduces him to everyone.
R: RaiSinghanias! Meet Aditya! A very very good friend of mine! He has recently returned from London after completing his education and now he wants to set up his business here in India!
Vansh and Aditya were confused that why she didn't introduced him as Rajveer's brother. Riddhima whispered in Aditya's ear.
R(whispered): No one knows here about Rajveer and I dont want Dad to know that we are planning revenge on Rehaan.
Aditya nodded.
Dadi: Aditya Beta! Its really nice to meet you! You are our honourable guest and specially Riddhima's friend. Be comfortable here!
A: Thanks Dadi!
Aryan: Dadi?
Aditya: Actually, Riddhima talks alot about all of you. So, I am now used to these names. I know you all very well.
Ajay: Riddhima! You never told me about Aditya before!
R: Dad! I met him just few months back. You were busy on DSR's case in those days. He came back recently and he visited my home yesterday so Vansh invited him here.
Ajay: Oh I see!
Aditya, Riddhima, Vansh, Ajay and Dadi were gossiping about different things. Meanwhile, Ishani and Sejal were whispering in each other's ear and Aryan and Angre were eaves dropping.
I: Sejal! He is so handsome!!
S: Try your luck Ishani! But he is really so much hot!
I: Look at his smile yar!
S: Look at his style! Riddhima brought us a holi gift.
Angre and Aryan were super jealous. They spoke up,
Angre: Sejal! I am also present here.
Sejal: So What? You always roam around me only.
Angre: What?
Ishani giggles.
Angre: I mean to say why are you admiring Aditya so much?
S: Is it a sin to admire soomeone? Why shouldn't I admire him? He deserves admiration!
Angre: But you are mine! (Realizing what he just blurted out) I mean First, you are my friend. You never admired me, Aryan or Kabir or even Vansh in this way before.
Ishani: Angre Bhai! Just keep your distance from this cheapster (pointing at Aryan) Your thinking has got third class being in his company.
Aryan: What? I am a cheapster? My thinking is third class? Have you look at yourself! You are a witch! And only witches have such choices (pointing at Aditya)
I: I am proud of my choice! You got any problem?

Afterall, His personality is dashing. Not like you whose face is just like a squeezed tomato.
Sejal giggles.
Angre: Why are you giggling? Yesterday, You were taking Aryan's side and now laughing on ishani's stupid jokes!
Aryan: Exactly! This Aditya has made both of them mad! Infact, This ishani is a born psycho!
Ishani: Shut up Aryan!
Aryan: You shut up!
Kabir also joined them listening to their convo.
Kabir: So, Both of you started again?
Sejal(Sarcastically): Kabir! How did you find time to talk with us? Is it something special?
Ishani: Even I am surprised! He just roams around Sia all day! Where is Sia by the way that you have to come here?
Kabir makes a pissed face and cranes his neck to look back. Everyone follows his gaze and look back and find Sia chatting excitedly with Aditya.
Ishani and Sejal giggle.
Ishani: I got it! Sia is helpless na Kabir!
Sejal(pulling his leg): Ofcourse! Who can resist such a handsome dashing personality! (To ishani) Ishani! We should go too. Even we are Riddhima's sisters, we should introduce ourselves to her friend na!
Ishani: Yeah yeah! (Narrowing her eyes at Aryan) I don't like to be in a company of cheapsters!
Angre, Kabir and Aryan's jaws dropped. Sejal and Ishani went to join Aditya, Riddhima and Sia's company. Dadi and Ajay then went to temple. Vansh was sitting on the sofa with the girls and noticing Aditya.
Ishani: So, Aditya! When did you come back from London?
Aditya: Six months ago.
Sejal: What is your full name?
Aditya: Its Aditya Randhawa.
Sejal: Wow! Randhawa! So Classy!!
Sia: Adi! What kind of business do you do?
Aditay: Its a construction business basically.
Rid: Aditya! Don't you have any girlfriend? You never told about anything such before!
Aditya: I never found someone of my type I guess.
Aditya(himself): Oh God! These RaiSinghanias are all same. Taking interviews all the time. I have to get rid of them so I can focus on my work.

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