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      The word 'hapiness' cannot describe how happy is she..Maybe because this was her first time being pregnant and going to be a mom or maybe because the fetus inside her body belongs to her and someone whom she love more than her own life. The pregnancy test report in her hand which is made up of just a paper feels like a valuable treasure. The treasure that she desired since from a long time.

Imagining the different kind of reaction of Jungkook after hearing that she is pregnant...her heart is overwhelmed by both excitement and nervousness.


After 30 minutes

Lisa reached in her and Jungkook's shared villa. Her heart was thumping so loudly inside her chest, after taking a long breath for few times her wildly beating heartbeat calm down a little bit. One hand is tightly holding the pregnancy test report and with another hand she pushed the door open revealing the Jeon Jungkook sitting on the couch looking at her with his usual cold eyes. The way he was looking at her was so intense that  she felt goosebumps all over on her body. In his deep brown eyes the angriness was clearly visible to her. Just by looking at him lisa immediately understood that Jungkook is not in good mood and she was in dilemma whether to say about her being pregnant to him or not. As she was busy battling with her own thoughts the low masculine voice pull out of her thoughts.

"La..lisa Manoban let's get divorce!" Jungkook said more like he ordered before slamming the divorce papers on the tea table.

'What...what he said just now?' Lisa couldn't believe what she just heard.

"What?" Lisa asked for the confirmation.

"I said let's get divorce." Jungkook said coldly.

"Divorce!?....Hahaha" lisa laughed out loudly meanwhile her tears were falling from her eyes.

"L.A.L.I.S.A I don't have time to watch your mind blowing acting. Sign this divorce paper and free yourself and me from this unwanted relationship." Jungkook said ruthlessly.

".. Unwanted relationship? Huh Jeon Jungkook maybe for you this is unwanted relationship but for me this is everything..you are my everything! Jeon Jungkook why don't you understand!?!"

"Lalisa for the last time I'm telling you ...sign this divorce paper and go away from my life! .....Otherwise you also know how I handle the person that I don't like." Jungkook speaked emotionlessly.

"Jungkook you can do anything you want to me but I will not sign this divorce paper...I will not divorce you!! " 'I will not let my unborn child to live the same life like me.'

"Lalisa you..." Before he could finish speaking the nurse that he hired to take care of Eunha called him and he clearly warned her not to call him unless it's emergency. So the moment he saw her (nurse) calling him he hurriedly answer her phone.

"Hello sir Miss.Eunha accidentally slipped from the stairs and she hurt her belly. She is saying her belly is paining very much and we are taking to the hospital. Sir please come to the lifeguard hospital as soon as possible." The nurse said.

"What? How can she slipped from the stairs and what the heck you were doing!??" Jungkook shouted angrily.

"Sir... actually.."

"Shut up! I'll be there within 10 minutes." Jungkook said and hurriedly grab his car key from the drawer and walked towards the door but before he could get out of the door the slim milky hand grab his veiny hand.

"Lalisa leave my hand." Jungkook said  but lisa shake her head signalling as no.

"I SAID FUCKING LEAVE MY HAND." He roared making lisa flinch in horror and leave his hand.

As soon as lisa leave his hand he ran towards his car and left the house and lisa also followed his car from behind.

The cars stopped at the parking area of lifeguard hospital. And jungkook hurriedly went towards the emergency room and lisa also went there following Jungkook.

Inside the E.R

"Don't worry Mr.Jeon your wife is fine and your baby too but I advice you and Mrs.Jeon to take more care of your safety to avoid miscarriage in future. Even though the baby is soon going to be 4 months but I still advice you to be extra careful." The doctor said while checking the report.

Jungkook was going to say he misunderstood her (Eunha) as his wife but Eunha hurriedly speaked, "Yes doctor we will do as you said. Thankyou"

"No need to thank Mrs Jeon it's my duty." The doctor said.


"Hello miss can you please move aside coz I still have to check other patients and you are blocking my way." The doctor politely request to lalisa who was standing at the door staring the couple like a statue.


"No need to say anything Jungkook actually it was not you who don't understand but it was me who don't understand anything and foolishly decided to fight for this already broked relationship. Hahaha what a foolish person I am to dream to have a lovely family with that person who already have his own family!"

"Jungkook now finally I knew why you wanted to get divorce with me all of sudden...It was for Eunha and your unborn baby right? But what about me?"...'and our baby which is still inside my womb'...

"Lisa it's not the place to talk about our personal matters..let's go home and.."

"Home?! Jungkook which home you are talking about? That home in which I was treated like a servant or that home in which I'm being treated like a slut? Say me Jungkook in which you want us to go?" For the first time lisa speaked against Jungkook. Maybe because of her pregnancy hormone or she was too heart broken to remain quite and endure it silently.


"Jungkook since from our marriage you are the only one to ask the questions but this time I'll ask...Jungkook would you leave Eunha forever and choose me, stay with me if I was pregnant with your child?" Lisa asked clutching the pregnancy test report tightly in her fist.

"....But you are not pregnant right?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm pregnant or not..What matter is your answer." Lisa said while praying inside her heart silently.

'please god please say ye..'

"No I would never do that coz the heartless person like you doesn't deserve the happiness of bearing the child. You don't deserve to be the as great as mom."

Her world stopped, her breath hitched hearing his answer...for a moment she thought it's just a dream but the scene of a musculine man hugging the arm of petite woman was too real to be a dream.

Atlast she was again rejected by the same man for uncountable times. The report in her hand that felt like a valuable treasure just an hour ago suddenly felt like a sharp knife piercing directly to her soul.

Wiping her tears which was falling unstoppable ly she flashed a very weak smile then said, "If it's your answer then my love for your hapiness I'll sacrifice my own, if you will be happy without me then I'm willing to spend my life without you..... Congratulations my love at the end my pure love lose with your love for your family, for your Eunha, for your un-unborn child. From today onwards I lalisa will never come in your life.....let's bid our last good bye here only." She said and about to turned around then she suddenly said,

"This ring that you gave me...ohh sorry the ring that I begged with you..I'm returning it to you please throw this ring inside the deep ocean and along with this ring throw out all the memories of me too. From today you are freed from this loveless marriage, from the heartless person like me..my love from this moment I will let you go to wherever you want to go...atlast I finally let you go.

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