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Jungkook pov

'The rain is still raining heavily and I'm standing like a statue battling with my inner self under the heavy rainfall. Then suddenly realisation hits me hardly and forced me to come back in my sense. Then I start to run towards the lisa who is lying unconsciously on the ground and the bandage that was wrapped on her wounds was already soaked by the rain and the red blood mixed with rain was dripping from her forehead. The scene infront of me makes me extremely terrified. My shaking hands hurriedly pick up the unconscious lalisa from the ground and carried her in bridal style towards my car so that I can take her to the hospital as soon as I can.'

Fast forward
Inside the hospital ward

"Mr. Jeon how can you be so careless? Your wife was already injured and still you let her to soaked under the rain to the point that she get fever. If you can't take care of your wife when she is sick then you really failed as a husband." The old doctor said and disgust was clearly seen all over his face.

'Even though this was the first time that someone dare to scold me and I didn't say a word back to him neither I ordered anyone to harm him because I know I really failed as a husband. And I'm ashame of that. To be honest the word "guilty", "regret" was never in my vocabulary but suddenly why I started to feel that. In my whole 25 years of living I never felt guilty or regret to anyone except my grand father case but now why I'm suddenly started to regret and feel guilty for each and everything that I have done to Lalisa in the past and just a few hours ago too. This kind of feelings is very much strange to me.'

End of Jungkook pov.

Seeing lisa pale face and petite body lying unconsciously on the bed Jungkook felt sharp pain in his heart. This was the first time seeing lisa's weakest side and it's bothering him too much.

"Lalisa what are you doing to me? Why I'm not being able to hate you like how I used to? Instead of hating you to the core I'm here sitting beside your side worriedly leaving all my works like a good husband which I'm not. This strange feelings that are growing inside my heart for you is very much dangerous to me." Jungkook said while caressing her face gently and then he realised that she became so thin comparing to the past and her cute baby fat which was in her cheeks were no where to seen.

As he was busy caressing Lisa's thin face he didn't realised that someone came inside the room until that person start to speak, "Wow what a rare scene of heartless cold bastard husband caressing his wife cheeks so lovingly as if he love her. I'm afraid that people will mistook this." Jisoo said in a mocking tone.

"Now who the heck you are!? I'm not in a good mood so you better run away from here before I take an action against you." Jungkook said in a lazy way but ofcourse the threatening tone was clearly heard.

"Hahaha...Mr. Jeon are you threatening me? If yes then I'm not threatened. And let me tell you one thing Mr. Jeon it will be best for both you and Lili if you quit your act. As the only friend of Lili I always wants her best so it will be better if you don't act like this when Lili is concious so that she will not live in a false hope and a delusional world."

"Mr. Jeon lili is like my sister more than a friend and I genuinely want her to get the love, care and affection that she deserve not like this which is purely a pitiness. Mr. Jeon I know you  think that lili is the one who played a dirty games on you but trust me she didn't. I accept the fact that she loved you from past five years and she also sincerely wished for your happiness when she heard that you are engaging with Eunha but whatever happened in that night was not lili's plan. She is also a victim like you but sadly she is still paying the price for the crime that she never commit.

You heard that everything happened between you and Lili was her perfect plan to get married with you and you believe it blindly. But did your heart never raised a question for a once that it's really lili's plan or it's the schemes of someone else. Mr.Jeon everyone says you are very clever and mighty person but for me you are just a fool and stupid nothing more than that. If you was clever like how others said then you must definitely know that lili cannot be that much cheap who will kicked her dignity and share the bed with you just to get married with you.

Mr.Jeon you may not know but for woman the most important thing in her life is her dignity and same goes to lisa but today you mercilessly stepped on it and hurts her very badly. Mr.Jeon I'm witnessing lili's selfless love to you and your never ending hatred to her from years and I really feels sorry for her. Do you know Mr. Jeon whenever you go to punish lili in your villa and leave her after using till your heart fulfilled then what she does? You probably doesn't know and how foolishly I'm expecting you to know when you was never there after using her as your fucking toy. Then let me tell you after you leave her alone naked on the bed the first thing she look is the tightly closed door then listen your car going out from the villa and look down her wedding ring and cry bitterly asking herself why she can't be the woman that you loved. Jeon Jungkook do you know how much she love you?......She love you to the point that she forgot to love herself and maybe you are doubting by words but trust me the every single words that I said is nothing but a bitter truth." Jisoo said.

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