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It's been some hours since Pantalone left and I read many pages of the book he gave me.It's a very good book and I thank him for giving it to me.Right now,I'm bored.Very.I don't have what to do and I want to do something.Maybe I should go for a walk.I used to do that every time I was bored.That's a great idea actually.

I smile,getting out of bed and putting on some nice clothes for a walk.I fix my hair and I walk out of my room though the long corridors in Pantalone's mansion.I barely know how to get out of this place.It's such a big house I'm going to get lost inside.

I approach the main door after some minutes of walking around but before I can step out a voice stops me."Miss Y/n!" I turn around at the unfamiliar voice and I notice one of Pantalone's maids running towards me."Miss Y/n where are you going?" She asks.

"Oh I'm just going for a walk.Why?" I ask,confused.She cares or? "I'm afraid I can't let you go.Lord Pantalone gave orders that it's too dangerous for you to go outside miss Y/n" she says.What? Pantalone said I can't go out? What in the..

"Uhm but I just want some fresh air..I'm gonna be back very quick" I say.She looks at me with pleading eyes."Please miss Y/n you know I can't let you.Lord Pantalone gave very strict orders.If you want,I can let you in the garden" she says.Okay that's not so bad.

"Okay" I say and she smiles.We walk together at the garden and in the meantime I decide to ask her something."Also,what is your name?" I ask."I'm Fen" she says."You already know my name" I say with a smile and she nods.

We get in the garden where she stops."Okay I'll let you here miss Y/n.I still have some things to get done.If you need anything,search for me in the kitchen" Fen says and walks away,leaving me alone in the garden amongst all the flowers and plants.

I kneel down,brushing my fingers over the delicate petals.They smell so beautiful and just their colors bring me so much joy.Seeing all those beautiful colors like blue,red,white or purple and this fresh aroma engulfing me is just so comforting.

I love all plants and flowers I'm so happy that Pantalone has a garden.I wonder,does he like flowers that much as well?

I just returned home after finishing my business at the Northland Bank and I have to say I'm as excited as possible.I get so excited and happy every time I come home became I know Y/n will be here.I just love her so much.My beloved princess.

I step in my mansion and one of my maids is quickly approaching me."Hello Lord Pantalone.How was the meeting?" She asks."It was alright Fen.What is Y/n doing?" I ask.She stiffens."Uhh she's in the garden my lord.Miss Y/n wanted to go out for a walk but I told her you requested to not let her.She was pretty confused but I ended up letting her in the garden" she says.

So Y/n wanted to leave.She wanted to go out for a walk.I see.Why would she need that when she has so many balconies to take air and look at Liyue? Plus,the mansion is big enough for her to walk everywhere she wants to.

"Okay.That's all" I say and I start walking towards the garden door.I can't wait to see her again! I've been away from her just some hours but it felt like days.Oh what she's doing to me..I just love her too much.

I step inside the garden and my heart starts racing.

Y/n is kneeled down on the ground,her delicate fingers brushing against the many colorful petals.The moonlight is gently meeting her perfect face making her even more breathtaking than she already is.My beautiful princess..

My heart is racing and my cheeks burn.She looks like a goddess.My goddess.I guess I stared for too long because she noticed my presence."Oh hi Pantalone! How was the meeting?" She asks me.I smile and I look at her.

"It was good my darling.How are you?" I ask.She smiles."I'm very good.I stood here with the flowers.I actually wanted to go on a walk but your maid didn't let me" she says.Mhm.

"Oh sorry dear I just couldn't risk to let you go all by yourself outside.It's dangerous outside.There are so many creatures and things waiting outside for you dear and I don't want you to get hurt dear" I say.She nods.

"Okay.But at least,can we go on a walk together sometime?" She asks with pleading eyes.Oh how can I say no to those adorable eyes? "Of course dear.Tomorrow night if you want we can go on a walk" I say and she smiles.

"Sure I'd love that" she says.I smile,gently grabbing her hand.Y/n looks in my eyes and smiles too."How about we go inside my dear?" I ask and she nods."Yeah..the air it's pretty chilly tonight" she says.I quickly move to get off my coat but she denies.

"No no it's okay.Let's just go inside" she says and I nod.I gently grab her hand and we walk inside the mansion.My heart starts to beat faster again after the feeling of her delicate hand intertwined with mines.I love her so much.My darling..

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