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I wake up in a strange,unfamiliar,bad smelling room on a chair.My ankles and wrists are chained up,no way I'll be able to get out of them.I have another cloth on my mouth that's not allowing me to talk.

I'm sure there's no point in me trying to scream.It's not like someone will hear me.Who knows where those guys took me or where i am.

The door suddenly opens in a hurry revealing their boss."Look who woke up.Had a good sleep?" He asks in a disgusting tone.I want to punch him so bad and erase that smile off his face.

I just look at him since I can't talk and even if I could,I'd not answer him.I hate him so much.

"Oh I forgot..you can't talk because of that cloth" he laughs again and takes off the cloth from my mouth."Okay now you can talk.So,how are you?" He asks.

"Cut the small talk.You'll regret taking me here.Pantalone will save me and you'll regret it" I speak,venom in my tone.

"Don't you dare speak like that to me bitch.If he even bothers to come save you you're lucky.If he doesn't,you're done young girl.Even though..I'd be hard for me to do something like that to such a good looking lady.." he says,approaching his dirty hand to my face.

I instantly move my head and he growls."Since you don't want to cooperate,you'll stay here until your hero comes to rescue.If he'll even come" he laughs and walks out,leaving me there all alone.

I start tearing up,looking up at the ceiling.Why am I here? What did I do wrong? What are their problems with Pantalone? Since he's a banker maybe they have debt or something? Or they had a thing in the past and they are still going after him.

I don't understand what's their problem with me though.I wonder if they saw me with Pantalone at our date and decided to kidnap me? Ugh everything is so confusing.I just want to see Pantalone then go home.

-Time skip-
The door opens again,in a such hurry I thought the door fell down.I look up to notice their boss again.He says nothing but walks behind me and starts taking off the chains from my wrists and ankles so I can get up from the chair.

He yanks me up and then chains my wrists again.I thought he's letting me go."Walk" he speaks,his voice very cold and angry.I walk,stepping out of the room I was locked in for the whole day.

Outside,there are the same people who were in my house last night.They all look at me and their boss pushes me to walk outside.What in the name of the Archons is going on.Where are they taking me?

I'm so curious and yet I don't dare to ask anything.Who knows what they could do if I ask something stupid.They all seem very angry anyways.

We walked in silence for several minutes,none of us talking anything.I'm so curious where are we going.Where are those guys taking me and why are they in such a hurry?

I look in the distance and I see around 10 people waiting.Who are those people? Are they taking me to them? Who- oh.I can't believe it.It's Pantalone.He's here.They're taking me at him.He came to rescue me.

I can't help but smile,looking at him.I notice his comforting,signature smile.I missed seeing him so much I can't believe it.

"Look boys he's already here when he heard about his young lady.We should've done this from the start" their boss says and laughs.That disgusting laugh again.I want to punch him harder now.

I look at Pantalone and I see him with his signature smile.But behind that smile,I can see his blood is boiling yet he hides it so well. "Give her to me" Pantalone says and they all laugh.

"Do you think it's that easy? You think we'll just give her to you? It's way difficult than that" he says.Pantalone fixes his glasses and smiles."You want the other way then? Good" he nods at the many people with him who approach us with weapons.

Before I can react,their boss is behind me with a sharp knife at my throat."One more step and she's dead" he says.Everyone is looking at Pantalone now including me.I can't help but let some salty tears fall down on my cheeks.

"Here's your guy" Pantalone says calmly.There are some footsteps behind him and when I look I notice the guy who stared at me weirdly some days ago.Wait.Did something happen to him and since then they hate Pantalone and kidnapped me?

Everything is so confusing right now.

Their boss suddenly drops the knife from my throat and that's my sign.I rip myself out of his horrible grasp and I go at Pantalone.He opens his arms and I quickly go in his arms,feeling safe."Pantalone" my weak voice calls out for him.

The man who made me feel uncomfortable suddenly disappeared into thin air."What..where did he go?" Their boss asks.Pantalone just laughs."It was an illusion.He's dead" he says.

"You..you'll pay for that! I should've killed her when I had the chance" their boss yells.Pantalone nods at his men quickly attack them.Pantalone makes me look at him,so I can't see what's going on in the background.

I shot up from the bed,the events of yesterday still in my mind.Ugh..when will I forget about those people? At least I'm not on that uncomfortable chair anymore.I'm in Pantalone's mansion.

I'm so glad he saved me.I think I have feelings for him.And..knowing how he acts around me and me only,I think he has feelings for me as well.Or maybe I'm not right and he's just being friendly.Anyway..I can think about that later.

𝑴𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒔 | 𝑷𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now