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-Next day,Y/n-
After I woke up and got dressed up,I walk in my kitchen and I look around a little bit.I sigh.I have to go out and buy some groceries or at least something to eat right now.Since it's morning,there are lots lots of merchants and random people selling fresh foods.

I put on my shoes and I walk out of my house,locking the door after me.I inhale the clean air of the morning and I smile,walking towards the small pond in the middle of the harbor.The smell of food quickly meeting my nose.

I walk towards the many people selling food and I look around.Hmm..what should I get..I approach a male who turns out it's selling cooked fish.

"Hello.I'd like 3 Grilled Tiger Fish" I say.He looks at me and nods,placing what I ordered in a small box.

"That'll be 1140 Mora.Thank you" he says with a smile.I hand him the Mora and he gives me a super weird smile.I take my food and I quickly take my leave.What in the name of Archons just happened.

I look for what I could buy next and I see the classic Wanmin Restaurant.I can take a look there as well.Oh look today Xiangling serves at the restaurant.I'm not personally a friend of her's we barely know each other but she's such a great cook.

"Hello.I'd like uhh a Bamboo Shoot Soup and a bowl of Jade Parcels" I say and Xiangling smiles."Sure! You're Y/n right?" She asks and I nod.Xiangling walks in the kitchen and I patiently wait for her to finish my order.I can't wait to go home and eat.I'm so hungry.

I look towards the other side of the harbor and I notice the Adventurers Guild.I unfortunately don't have a vision.I would like to have one but I don't.

Xiangling comes with my food and I walk at her.I pay and I take my leave,trying to get home as soon as possible.I'm so hungry ugh.I walk by the small pond in the middle of the harbor again and I take the turn towards my house.

I don't know why but since I went on that walk last night I have the constant feeling that someone's watching me even though no one is.Maybe I'm paranoid and it's all in my imagination but I can feel those eyes on me when I walk out of my house.

I'm pretty sure it's all in my head since I don't have any friends so there's no way someone's looking at me right? I mean I'm not that bad looking am I? Ugh I'm just paranoid.

I arrive home,taking off my shoes and washing my hands.I quickly go in the kitchen,unpacking my food.My stomach growls and I smile,sitting down and digging in.Mmmh this is so good woah Xiangling's cooking is delicious.

—Time skip—
Night has fallen over Teyvat now and I'm so bored.I got nothing to do in here.Ugh maybe I should go for a walk again.Or maybe..I have a better idea.I get out of bed,throwing on my normal outfit for going out,I fix my hair,take my shoes and walk out.

Comparing to the morning,right now the harbor is so calm.Not much noise,barely some merchants on the streets,and rarely a person passing by.It's way better during night.So calm and comforting.

I go in the other part of the harbor,passing by the small red bridge connecting them.Here is even more beautiful.I go up on some stairs and I arrive at her.Jifang,the owner of Wanwen Bookhouse.

"Hello lady Jifang" I say with a smile.She turns around to look at me and smiles as well."Hello Y/n.How can I help you?" She asks."I'm here to buy a book or two.I finished the one you recommended me" I say and she nods.

"Well,feel free to look and buy anything catches your eye.I have some things to get done so when you chose just call me" she says and I nod.

Jifang walks away and I look around what books I could get. Customs of Liyue: Silk Flowers, String of Pearls 2 and 3, Legend of the Lone Sword,Legend of the Shattered Halberd 4 and 5.. I read them all.Ugh I don't know what to read..

I look around the many books lady Jifang has at her Bookstore but none seem to catch my eye.I sigh.I don't want to go home without a book because I'll be so bored.

Something catches my eye.I look at the pretty yet simple colored book and I pick it up. 'Heart's Desire volumes 1,2 and 3' I look at it a bit.Should I buy this?

"That is a great book" I hear a voice say.I turn around and I see a tall male with glasses on his nose,a very expensive looking coat on his shoulders and a black tight shirt underneath.He's also smiling for some reason and his eyes are closed.I have to admit,he's really handsome.

"Did you read it?" I ask and he nods."Yes,I read all the 4 volumes and it was a really great book" he says.Also his voice wow it's so smooth and classy.He looks so rich.

"This one has only 3 volumes though..but I'll go with you and buy it" I say with a smile.His smile grows larger."May I know your name dear?" He asks."U-Uhm yes it's Y/n" I say.

He picks up my hand and gently plants a kiss on my knuckles."I'm Pantalone" he says.

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