chapter fourty-four

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Charles POV

She sits next to me. Just looking at me.
We stay silent not knowing what to say to eachother.
"I'm sorry Charles", she says.
"Please do I really need to list all of these things?", she says and we both chuckle.
The room goes silent again.
"Amelia why did you do these things to me?"
I look over at her and see her looking at her hands nervously. 
"I wanted to keep you safe"
"Charles I have so many problems."
"And? That can't be it because I would do everything to help you with your problems and you know that"
"Yes I know. And that's the problem. You always focus on mine and never on yours."
"That's not true", I say and turn my head to look at her.
"Yes Charles it is. And that's the reason why I wanted you to be safe. You're not safe from these problems if you keep being with me. You need to get over me. You need to choose the better life. The life without all this drama. You deserve better".
A tear streams down her face.
Slowly it almost falls down her rosa cheecks to her jaw and down on her lap.
"Charles can't you see. I'm the problem. I'm the reason for everything bad that happend to you the past few months."
"No you're not", I say and fight the urge to take her hand. I don't know if she'll aprove of it.
"You need to stay away from me", she says as she lifts her head.
Some of her mascara is running down her face alongside of her tears. Her eyes are red and puffy and her voice is shaking.
"And what if I don't want to?", I say and look deeply into her eyes.
"Charles you-"
"No let me talk. Amelia I can't do all of this without you. I need you. You bring me joy and happiness. Everything is inconsequental if you're not around. Please don't do this to me. I can't do this a third time okay? Please don't."
A tear now streams down my face too.
"Charles I would do anything for you if it means you'll be better okay?"
"Then why did you tell me you didn't love me?", I say with a more harsh tone as she goes silent. She just sits there. Our breaths and sniffs almost sincronize.
"I'm so sorry Charles", she says and lifts her head again. Our eyes meet and I see the guilt in her eyes.
"Amelia do you love me?", I ask her and our eyes meet. I stare directly in her soul as she says: "Of course I do Charles. I always will."
"Then why did you lie to me?", the anger in my voice rises as the sadness slowly fades.
"Charles I wanted you to move on. You're my everything and I would do anything for you to be happy. Even if it means not with me.", she says and takes my hand.
"But Amelia I don't want to be happy with anyone else. You're the person who I would trust with everything.  You're the person that never fails to make me happy. You're my person okay? I need you but maybe you don't need me. I mean it didn't look like you missed me these past weeks", I say and snatch my hand away from her grip. I look away out of the window as anger fills my body. I feel one of her hands on my cheecks and she slowly turns my head around. She takes her second hand up to my face too and cups my face between her hands. They feel warm and comfortable and still so foreign and cold.
"Charles that's not true. I sufferd all this time not knowing if I had done the right desicion or not. I woke up everymorning missing you sleeping next to me. I went to do some work and thought about if I should call you. Everyday I thought about you Charles. I told you I didn't love you to keep you away from me. I wanted you to move on and live your life. Charles I only want the best for you. That's why I did what I did. But the truth is I probably need you more than you need me.", she says and chuckles as her voice starts to break. "Charles please. Tell me to leave and I'll leave right now. I understand if you don't need me anymore or anything like that. I totally understand. But please tell me. Don't leave me hanging like that.
God the past few months have been so difficult to handle. And I had noone to talk to. Because the only person I trust with my problems is you. Relationship or not. Now or in ten years. I'll still trust you the most.
Charles I love you okay? And I'm so truly sorry for what I did. I know there is now excuse but I'm so sorry"
She starts sobbing.
"God I'm a horrible person", she says and sobbs even more.
I put my arms around her and pull her towards me.
It feels strange crying in eachother's arms. 
"Is it pathetic if I still want to be with you?", I ask her.
She starts laughing trough her sobbs and looks at me with a smile across her face.
"I guess we're both pathetic then"
I chuckle too and hug her tight again.
After some time she stops sobbing. A yawn escapes her mouth.
"Wanna go to sleep?", I ask her and she nods. 
I get up to get her a shirt and some shirts and throw them towards her. She catches them and walks towards the bathroom before she closes the door. I use the time to change myself too before I lay down. She soon comes out of the bathroom in my clothes and starts walking over to my bed. I pat next to me as a gesture for her to lay down.
"Are you sure? I can go to my room if you want?"
"I'm sure. Now come on", I say and smile as she crawls towards me. She lays down and I cover her with my blanket.
I'm almost sure that she's alseep when she turns around and faces me. The moonlight lights her face up perfectly. I can see every feature. No matter how small it is. 
"I'm sorry Charles"
"I'm not mad Amelia"
"But you're hurt", she says and I remain silent. She stays like this for a few seconds waiting for an answer but my mouth stays shut. She's turning around again when I ask: "Do you want to know something?"
She hesitates but turns around so that she's facing me again. 
"I knew you were the one from the first day we met"
"What? The day you bumped into me and made rude comments?"
We both chuckle.
"No, the day we really met. When I first talked to you something strange came up. A strange feeling deep inside  of me. I could tell you're someone special. I knew that I was going to marry you"
"Marry me?", she says and laughs.
"Yes. It sounds crazy I know but I feel like I've known you for years Amelia. Even though I only know you so little time I know we're going to get married someday."
"And why do you know that?"
"I just know.", I say and smile at her.
She smiles at me too before she turns around again. Her back faces me and I close my eyes.
"Good night Charlie"
I missed this.
"Good night Amelia", I say with a smile and slowly drift off to sleep.
Maybe I still have a chance with her.

Quick question:
Do you like the perspectives of Charles? I just feel that it makes the storyline so much better if you see both POVs but if you don't think so please let me know. And also, do you like chapters like this? I mean where we see everything with Charles' sight?

Oh and btw thank you if you've read until now and thank you if you're a follower of my stories. I really appriciate the views and your kind comments. <3

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