chapter three

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Amelias POV

"I'm coming, one minute", I say.
After the dinner last night Charles brought me back to my appartment. He can actually be really nice if he wants to. We talked in the car and he actually apologised to me about the incident in the coffe shop. Turns out we have a lot in common. We are both very competitive and dedicated to driving and he lives no even a minute away from me. It knocks again.
"Come on we will be late.", he shouts trough the door.
"Then come in if you can't wait for me outside.", I shout at him. How can someone be so impatient. I hear the door opening and not even threeseconds later he stands next to me and is staring at me. He then quickly covers his eyes because I'm only wearing a towel because I just got out of the shower.
"Mr. Leclerc you're 10 minutes early", I say looking at him.
"Amelia you could have told me that you are naked.", he says with his hand still in front of his eyes.
"I'm not naked Charles, I'm wearing a towel and it's not my fault that you're early but if it bothers you that much I will go change it now.", I say walking into my bedroom.
As i come out he still has his eyes covered. I laugh.
"You can take your hands down now.", I smile at him. It's actually kind of cute from him that he does that. I don't know much men who would do that to be honest.
"Okay.", he says as he hesitates to take them down.
"Can we leave now I really don't want to be late.",now he looks at me very seriously.
"Yes I'm all ready let's go", I say smiling at him.
We walk down to the car and both get in. We are not talking much but it's okay for me because I need to be focused on the race not talking to my rival. As we arrive at the track, we both wish eachother luck. He smiles at me which gives me a good feeling for today. 
"Hey Amelia, how was your drive with Charles yesterday", Pierre comes asking.
"It was great. He can actually be nice if he wants to. And how was the rest of the dinner?"
"It was chill. We talked a bit about today and some things.", he says slowing a little down as he says the last thing.
"I'm sorry Pierre but I have to go but it was nice seeing you good luck for the race."
"Yeah me too. Good luck. See you princess.", he says walking away.
"Did he just call you princess?", Max comes asking me.
"I think he did, yes.", I say laughing.
"Typical. But now we have to leave. We have a race to win."
We talk a little more on our way to the garage. As we get there I go to my driver room and go to wear my racing suit. After some time i go out to prepare for the race. I'm not even nervous. I know I can win this if I want to. 
"Let's go we want good results", Horner shouts from the back.
We get in the car and the race starts.


I have a good start and can overtake Max at the second curve. Now I'm leading the race. It's going really good. 
"Amelia Charles is right behind you and is soon trying to overtake you", someone from my team says over the radio.
"Okay. I've got it. Don't worry.", I say stepping onto the gas even more. Now I'm driving very risky. Suddenly i loosde control for a second and spin around once. But I quickly got it under control again. I see that Charles has overtaken me but soon I'm behind him again. I try to overtake him but he defends his position very well. The last curve before the finish I try to overtake him and we're head to head. All of a sudden he drives a little on my side and causes one of my wings to break. I know he did it on purpose. Now I'm angry. 
"What the fuck was that, huh?", I say as I walk his way
"I don't know what you mean?", he says now smirking a me. Oh no no no. That's a joke right.
"Are you insane? I know you did it on purpose. I could've crashed into the wall." Now I'm fuming.
He comes closer and says: "And what if I did it on purpose. What are you going to do about it?" Now we're face to face about 4 inches away from eachother. I push him away.
"You asshole, how could you do that." Max, Pierre and Lando have arrived at the scene now too and Pierre and Max take me awa from Charles because Max knows very well that I would punch him otherwise.
"Amelia, calm down. Come on. We all know it was his fault.", they try to calm me dowm. 
"If I get him he's dead."
"Wow you didn't lie yesterday when you said she's hardcore.", Pierre says to Max.
"Could you both leave alone for a minute please?", I ask them.
They both nod at me and leave. I'm sitting on the ground now. My head in my hands. 
How could I let that happen to me. He was so nice yesterday and in the morning. Maybe he's not the person I think he was.
I have to get on the podium now. Second is not bad but first is better. And the fact that he got first because I did a mistake makes me mad. I still congratulate him though even if he was driving dirty. He won. I give him the worst death stare and stand on the podium. As soon as it's finished I leave. Max and Charles spray the champagne at eachother and have fun. I don't mind if Max does that. He has no problem with Charles so he doesn't have to ruin that because of me.
I change back into my clothes and head home without saying goodbye to anyone.
At home I change my clothes and go straight to bed.

Charles POV

As i get to my garage I see Pierre.
"Hey mate, are you ready for today", he asks.
"Of course I am. I always am.", I tell him and we both laugh a little.
"Did you get here on your own?", he asks while wiggeling with his eyebrows and smirking at me.
"No I went here with Amelia. I picked her up at her appartment and we came here together."
"So nothing went on between you two?", he asks.
"Nope although I have seen her naked today.", I say. His mouth flies wide open.
"No you didn't. ", he says still surprised from my answer.
"No not really she was just wearing a really short towel."
"I'm you're biggest fan now. But nothings going on between you two right?", he asks.
"No", I say kind of disapointed.
"So I still have a chance with the princess", Pierre says now grinning from ear to ear.
Before I can say anything he walks away and I head to the Ferrari Garage. 
Time to race.


I'm now on position two behind Amelia. I try to overtake her but she doesn't let me. It makes me angry. Really angry. 
Finally I had the chance to overtake her due to her mistake. Now I'm going to be the winner of Monaco. 
"Charles Thatcher is behind you and is soon trying to overtake you. Watch out"
No way. I can't get rid of her can I?
As she tries to overtake me in the last turn I get an idea. I will just drive to her side a little and she will have to slow down or something brakes at her car and I will be the winner. 
It works. Her wing brakes a little causing her to slow down a little.
I win.
I win the grand prix of Monaco.
She comes my way looking very angry as I get out of my car.
"What the fuck was that huh?", she asks. 'Damn she looks really good in this racing suit.'
"I don't know what you mean.", I know very well but let's play with her a little.
"Are you insane? I know you did it on purpose. I could've crashed into the wall.", she looks really angry.
"And what if I did it on purpose. What are you going to do about it?", I walked a little in her direction so we're face to face.
Suddenly she pushes me and I almost fall to the ground. Wow maybe I overdid it a little.
Pierre and Max take her away.
On the podium she gives me the death stare but still congratulates me. Okay now I feel really bad for what I did. She leaves the podium earlier and me and Max celebrate alone. 
"Have you seen her?", I ask Lando who's coming my way.
"Yeah, she left right away. What did you do man that was really unfair. Why would you do that?"
"I know. It wasn't right. I feel really bad about it. I didn't think it trough properly okay. How will I make it up to her man?", I ask him looking to the ground. I feel really bad.
"You aren't going to make it up to her with just an apology. Her first formula one race and you almost kill her.", he says. Pierre and Max got there too now. They all look at me angrily.
"I did not mean to okay"
" We know Charles, we know. But she doesn't.", Max says.
"You really have to think of something good or she will never talk to you again.
I nod and walk to the Garage.
"Brother, what did you do man. You never do such things. Why?", Arthur says.
"I don't know", I say yelling at him. "I'm sorry for yelling. I know it was wrong. Let's go home I don't want to be here anymore." Looking to the ground I go change myself and drive home with my car. I don't really sleep well. I feel terrible because of what I've done.

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