chapter six

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Amelias POV

I put on makeup and curl my hair. I'm really happy with the result to be honest.
I'm the last to arrive outside.
"Amelia's here, Let's leave then.", Lando says.
As I was about to get into the car Charles comes up from behind me and whispers in my ear: "You look really good Amelia. The dress suits you", before he gets into the car himself. I continue standing there for a few more seconds before getting into the car too. 
Still thinking about how close he was to me 10 min ago we arrive at a fancy club. I follow the others inside and we a guy guides us to our lounge. We walk up some stairs and sit down on some sofas. There are a lot of people dancing below us on the dancefloor. We order our drinks and they talk.
"Is that how you party?", I ask them. They all look weirdly at me. 
"What do you mean?", Luisa asks.
"Don't you want to go dancing?", I ask them.
They all shrug with their shoulders.
"Okay I guess I will be searching a guy down there then who dances with me.", I say turning around.
"No, your'e not going alone. I'm coming with you", Charles says. The others smile at eachother as we leave together.
Charles and I have a lot of fun together dancing. He's a really good dancer. At one point we're dancing very close and staring eachother right in the eyes. It feels like forever. 
"Uhm, should I get us a drink?", he says stepping one step back.
"Yes of course.", I smile at him. I tr to hide my disappointment. I'm waiting for what feels like forever when I decide to go searching for him. Maybe something happend. I can see him at the bar but hes talking to someone. It's a girl with light brown hair and they're laughing together. I step back and leave the dancefloor. As I head back to the lounge I see noone's there. I sit down and order a drink for myself. I lean over the railing in hope to see someone I know. 
I see Charles is still talking to this girl. He forgot about me. I order more drinks. At one point I'm really drunk so I decide to go home. I write a message to Pierre and head outside when Charles spots me and comes waking in my direction. 
"Amelia, wait.", shit.
"Where are you going?", he asks me.
"I'm leaving", I say.
"Why?", he asks surprised.
"Because I'm alone and everyone has found someone to dance and have fun with. Pierre is dancing with some girl and you too so I'm heading back", I say looking him into the eyes.
"No I was just getting drinks Amelia I-"
"For 40 minutes? I'm not stupid Charles. I'm just going to leave now so you can go and have fun with her.", I say now walking away. 
"No, wait", but I'm already outside. I call a Taxi and drive home. As I walk infront of the door I realise I don't have keys. Suddenly a familiar car pulls up. Charles gets out of the car and sees me sitting on the front porch. 
"You don't have a key.", he says. I don't talk to him. I'm a little hurt and mad that he just left me alone for some girl.
I get in and almost trip as i try to take of my shoes. Charles caches me and takes of my shoes. He lifts me up and carries me to my room. He lays me in my bed and wants to go out when I say: "Can you help me undress please", because I can't do it alone.
"Can you help me undress please? I can't sleep in this dress it's too pretty.", I say
"Uhm, I- yes sure.", he hesitates for a second and then helps me to undress. 
"Now please give me this tshirt there.", I say pointing to my suitcase.
He nods and gets me the shirt.
"Is that my shirt?", he asks.
"Yes. I like it.", I say 
He helps me putting it on and puts me to bed then. I hear him saying something but I drift of to sleep.

Charles POV

I get ready and get outside. We are waiting for Amelia when I ask Pierre: "Do you think Amelia likes me?"
"I don't know mate but I feel that she has something for you that's for sure. Jst make your move and you'll see."
There she comes. He curly hair and her makeup look really good. She's walking to the car when Pierre looks at me and mouths : "Now"
I nod and walk up really close behind her. I make sure to be near enough for her to feel my body on hers. I lean down to her ear and wisper: "You look really good Amelia. The dress suits you". I walk to the backseat and sit down. She remains standing in front of the door for a few seconds before getting in. Pierre gives me a two thumbs up and smiles at me.
I have to dance with her tonight.
We go inside some fancy club and sit in a lounge.
"Is that how you party?", she asks.
"What do you mean?", Luisa asks.
"Don't you want to go dancing?", she asks. She's right.
"Okay I guess I will be searching a guy down there then who dances with me."
"No, your'e not going alone. I'm coming with you", I say. The thought of her with another man makes me angry.
She smiles at me and we leave.
While we are dancing I watch every little move of her. She's a really good dancer and every move of her is perfect. She moves her hips and shit she's coming closer. Before I realise I we're very close and staring into eachothers eyes. No, I can't kiss her now. We've been drinking and I don't want her to think that I just want her body or something. I pull away and ask her if I should get us a drink. She looks kind of disappointed? But she's smiling at me so I don't think much of it.
I go to the bar and as I wan't to go back someone says: "Charles, what are you doing here?", I know this voice.
"Hey Charlotte how are you?", I ask her. I just want to be nice.
"I'm good thanks. Are you here with somebody?", she asks. 
"Uhm, yes I'm here with some friends"
"Oh, okay."
The silence now is very akward. I try to walk away but she just starts talking to me again and doesn't let me go. I try to be nice but feel bad because Amelia is waiting for me.
"Charlotte I really have to go, someones waiting for me.", I say
"Oh okay. Call me when you have time. "
"Yeah sure." I'm for sure not going to call her.
I say goodbye and go searching for Amelia. I see her but, she's leaving?
"Amelia, wait.", I shout.
"Where are you going?", I ask now standing in front of her.
"I'm leaving", she says. She's drunk. I can hear it in her voice.
"Because I'm alone and everyone has found someone to dance and have fun with. Pierre is dancing with some girl and you too so I'm heading back" Oh no she looks mad.
"No I was just getting drinks Amelia I-"
"For 40 minutes? I'm not stupid Charles. I'm just going to leave now so you can go and have fun with her."
"No, wait", I say but she's already gone. I go search Pierre and asks for the keys for the house and the car.
"Why?", he asks.
"Amelia left", I say
"Why did she leave?", he asks now worried.
"Long story short. Charlotte's here too and she started talking to me as I was getting drinks for us. She wouldn't let me go and now Amelia's mad that I left her alone.
"Oh man. Drive safe", he says handing me the keys. I quickly head out to the car and get inside. I didn't drink tonight so it's fine with me driving. I had enough yesterday.
I pull up in front of the house and see her sitting on the front porch. I get out of the car and approach her.
"You don't have a key.", I say. She looks hurt. Man I feel really bad.
I open up the door and take help her inside. While taking her shoes off she almost falls but I catch her. I sit her to the ground and take her shoes off. I then lift her up and carrie her to her room. I lay her down and want to get out but stop as she says:  "Can you help me undress please" I'm a little surprised.
"Can you help me undress please? I can't sleep in this dress it's too pretty."
"Uhm, I- yes sure.", I hesitate for a second but still walk back to her and help her. It's really hard to not look at her.
"Now please give me this tshirt there.", I nod and walk to her suitcase. I get the shirt and hand it to her. Then I notice that it's my shirt.
"Is that my shirt?", he asks.
"Yes. I like it.", she says. I smile.
I help her putting it on and tuck her in. Before i shut the door I say.
"Good night Amelia. I'm really sorry."

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