chapter nineteen

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Amelias POV

I'm sitting on my baldcony looking at the track from above. It looks amazing and if I think about the fact that I'm racing on this and also other tracks just makes me happy. Racing is the only thing that always held me together. Even when my parents wouldn't let me. I watched every race when I was younger and always wanted to become one of the drivers. The people always told me I couldn't do that because I'm a girl. But I proved everyone wrong. Everyone of them. 
I must say that I'm proud of myself. I made it. I really made it.
They also told me that it's the wrong decision to quit university for this but that's what I live for. I live for racing on the track and spending time with my friends. I live for traveling around the world with my friends and my team.
The fans are also a big part. Of course it's hard when you see hate comments under your posts but there are so many more of them out there who would give everything to be me.
To be honest, if it wasn't me racing in formula one now I would also be jealous.
I want to be the best best driver on the grid even if some of the drivers would be very mad at me.
This is my personality. Formula one is my personality.
This is my time to shine.

Someone just knocked on the door.
"Amelia it's just me I know you're awake"
I open the door to see Charles standing there.
"You really scared me for a second Charles. And besides what are you doing here it's 1am. You should be sleeping."
"And? You should be sleeping too", he says smiling. He's wearing some shorts and a tshirt. 
I step aside and let him walk in.
"What are you doing here Charles?", I ask.
"I can't sleep and hoped to stay at yours tonight. First I was worried that you would be already sleeping and I would wake you up but looks like we have the same problem tonight"
"Yes. I was thinking about the past and how I always wanted to be a driver and realised that everything that I dreamt of got true. Only one thing missing now.", I say.
"And that would be?", he asks.
"Come on follow me", I say leading him to my balcony.
"You know...", I start and sit to the ground again and point to the empty space next to me.
"... it wasn't always easy for me as a girl. I always wanted to be more than just a cart driver and also knew I could do it. Nobody believed me. I was just a ten year old girl who has this wierd dream of becoming formula one driver. The consequences were a lack of confidence. I started driving less aggressive and stopped believing in myself. I thought that it just wasn't for a girl like me. It was very hard. But like two years later I watched a race of Lewis and I thought why can't I do that too. If they can do it I can do it too no doubt. My parents of course didn't believe me. They said I was too small and too fragile for this sport. I stopped with gymnastics and stopped listening to my parents. I mean why do what they want? This is my life and I decide how I want it.
The only problem was that I had no clue how to get a cart again because as you probably know it was very expensive. My parents wanted me to stay in school but I didn't like it there. It's very hard to be a twelve year old under sixteen year olds. They said I would become a docter eventually or a lawyer. But guess what, I also didn't want to do that. I stayed in school for two more years before going to the uni. And let me tell you one thing: twenty year olds don't like it when a fourteen year old girl shows up and gets better grades then them. I was left out my whole life by people that didn't even know me. The teachers wanted me to be in their class so thay could brag about how smart I am and that they teach such a gifted girl like me. And my parents wanted me to go studying and also brag about how smart I am. So I interracted with Redbull and they actually gave me a chance to help for strategies. I waited for a long time but didnt get an answer. It wasn't really looking good for my place at Redbull but then I met Max. Everyone knows that he can get really angry and all that but he's such a sweet and caring person. I told him about my dream of driving and he told Horner of me. And that's how I got my place there. The team thought I was a good driver and that I had a lot of potential so they trained me every evening after Max and the others had already left. I stayed there until late at night sometimes. Until they told me that a seat will be available and that they want me to drive for them. I knew this was my chance and started training even harder. And it payed off. Horner came to me a few months ago and told me that I would be driving for them. I didn't belive him at first but he was seriouse about it. He told me about his plan that he wanted me to become their first female driver and wanted to know what I can achieve. The only thing was that they didn't want me to be announced and reveal myself after the quali so you guys would be surprised. 
It was such an amazing oppertunity for me. I'm fullfilling my childhood dreams and am who I always wanted to be."
"Wow Amelia I didn't know. That must have been hard for you."
"Yes it was but that is what made me today. I'm finally feeling genuienly happy", I say smiling at him and looking into his eyes. "Only one dream never got fullfilled"
" And that would be?", he asks now with his face very close to mine.
"Having a super handsome boyfriend who really cares about me."
I can really feel the tension between us. We continue looking at eachother. 
"So you never had a boyfriend", he asks not breaking the eye contact.
"No, I wanted to wait for the right person"
"Well and who would that person be?", he asks placing his hand on my thigh.
"He has to be super hot and have a good personality."
"Okay. And that also means you never had sex?", he aks sliding his hand further up my thigh. We're still keeping the eye contact.
"And you never got touched like that", he says sliding his hand even further up my thigh until he reaches the top.
"No", I say whining a little. He seems amused by the way I react to his touch.
Suddenly he kisses me. I have never kissed someone so passionate. We kiss and he places his hands on my thigh to get me onto his lap.
I feel how every inch of my body keeps heating up while we kiss.
With every kiss we get more passionate until he decides to take it inside. 
He lifts me up and carries me to my bed still kissing me.

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