chapter twenty-six

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Amelias POV

"No really he's okay. The doctor said he just needs to rest and sleep. Except of the conclussion everythings fine.", I say.
"When are you coming back home?", Arthur asks.
"I don't know. The doctor said that we can't drive home with him like that two hours."
"Okay, tell me when you come home. Our mom wants to see him then"
"Yes of course. I'm sorry but I have to get going I'll call you later"
"Sure. See you Amelia"

Charles POV

I wake up and open my eyes. Amelia's talking to somebody.
She hangs up and sees that i've woken up.
"Hey Charles how are you?"
"My head still hurts but it's getting better. At least I'm not vomiting anymore."
"Very happy to hear that". She smiles at me.
"Amelia can you cuddle with me please"
"Sure I can. Come on". She gestures for me to slide to the side a little and I do so. 
She gets into bed with me and I lay my head on her chest.
Her hands go trough my hair what relaxes me a little.
I close my eyes and drift off again.

Amelias POV

I get up trying not to wake up Charles as I do so.
I open the door and see Pierre, Carlos and Lando there.
"Hey come inside but be quiet he just fell asleep"
They walk in and take a seat on the floor since the room hasn't so much space for four people.
"So how is he?", Lando asks.
"Still a little banged up but he's feeling better. He hasn't thrown up since this morning and has been sleeping for what feels like forever"
"Now you got us right. We're keeping you company now", Pierre says.
"But why are you here I thought you would go home since the race is cancelled?"
"We didn't want to leave you and Charles alone here"
"Yes and you can drive home with me if you want to. Pierre is coming over to my place so we would be four in the car since Carlos is leaving directly", Lando says.
"I would love too but who takes Charles' car home?"
"Right. maybe I could drive them home in the ferrari and you drive with your car. Is that okay for you Lando?", Pierre asks.
"Yes sure"
"Let's do it like that then", I say.
"Hey want to play cards? I found it in the playroom down the hall"
We all nod in agreement and Lando starts to give out the cards.

Charles POV

I wake up and notice that she's not next to me anymore.
I look up and see them sitting on the floor playing cards.
"No you cheated", Carlos says.
"No I didn't.", Amelia says.
"Yes you did"
"Just chill okay. It's just a game. Jeez", Lando says.
"He can't be mad at me for laying a plus four card. It's not my fault you have shitty cards."
He starts mumbling something in spanish.
"Hey take that back", she shouts.
"You understand spanish?", Pierre asks stunned.
"Yes I do. Genius have you forgotten?"
"Cabron. You're awake finally. You girlfriend's cheating.", he says looking at me.
They all turn to look at me and I sit up.
Amelia gets up and comes over to me.
"Oh I'm sorry if we woke you up", Pierre says.
"No it's okay really."
"How do you feel?", she asks me.
"I feel fine. Still a bad headache but it's okay. Can I join you guys?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am."
"Of course you can join us mate", Lando says. smiling.
I get up and slowly sit down next to Amelia.
We start a new round and Amelia wins.
"No you cheated. That's not fair", Lando says.
"Well not my fault you play cards with a person who can count cards."
"You can? Why didn't you tell us?", Carlos asks.
"Why should I?"
"Because we wouldn't have let you play with us Mate.", Pierre says.
"You're just mad she beat you", I say.
We all laugh and continue having a great time. At some point they all get mad at her because she always winns and throw away the cards.
"Never again", Carlos says.
"Yeah", Lando adds.
"You're just mad I beat you. AGAIN."
She leaves to go to the bathroom.
After she closes the door Lando says: "She's looking after you pretty well"
"Yes she is."
"Man that girl is wifeymaterial", Pierre adds.
"Wifeymaterial? What does this even mean?", Carlos asks.
"Of course you don't know. It's when a girl is so perfect that you could marry her", Pierre explains.
I smile.
"I know right? I want to go to Ibiza in summer break.", I say.
"Can we join you? I need some holidays.", Carlos says.
"Yes me too. And I want to go partying.",says Pierre.
"Yes why not?"
"Good so holidays on Ibiza with my friends", Carlos smiles at us. 
For the rest of the evening we just talk about random stuff. At some point my headaches get very bad again and I have to throw up. I run to the bathroom and vomit there.
"It's okay", Amelia says putting her hand on my back.
"Are you okay mate?", Pierre asks from outside.
"Amelia I'm tired can we go to sleep?"
She nods and goes outside to tell the others.
They all say goodbye to me before leaving the room.
Amelia helps me up and takes me to the bed.
I lay down with her and put my head on her torso again.
"Good night love"
"Good night Amelia. Thank you", I say before falling asleep.

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