chapter thirty-nine

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Charles POV

I wake up on the couch in the living room. Amelia's laying next to me covered with a blanket. It's already bright outside. I get up and walk to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. Already standing there with a glass of milk I see Pierre. 
"Hey how was your night?", I ask him and he chuckles.
"Mate the question is: How was your night?"
"What do you mean?", I ask him trying to be unsuspicious.
"When we came in you two were laying there pretty close to eachother on the couch so I guess your better then?"
"Yes we're fine again but just friends. She still needs some time and I'll give her that."
"So I should not give up my hopes for Chamelia to come back?"
"I don't know if you should give up but I will definitely not. I want her back and I will and even if it's going to take ten years I will."
"Wow you really love her huh?"
"Love is understated", I say and laugh.
We both keep quiet and sip on our water and our milk.
The kitchen gets fuller from time to time. When all of us are awake we eat some breakfast together. We agree to not do anything today and just chill since some of us are pretty hungover.
"Maybe we could go night-skiing today or night-sledding", Amelia says.
"That's a great idea", Luisa says.
"Let's do it then. Skiing or sledding?", Lando asks.
"Let's go sledding. Maybe it'll be fun", Pierre says.
"Sledding then", Lando says and we look it up on the website. Sledding starts at nine so we agree to be ready at 8:45pm and walk there together.
I lay down on the couch and the others join me to watch a movie. 
The rest of the day we just lay around and do nothing until it's time to get ready for night-sledding.

Amelia POV

We're walking up the hill towards the chairlift and I start steating like crazy.
"It's so hot", I say.
"We're almost there don't worry", Pierre says.
We continue walking until we reach the lift. From here you can see the whole slope because of the lights.
We reach the top of the hill and start sledding down. I want to pass Charles when suddenly Lando and Luisa come behind me and I have to drive to the side which causes me to drive off the slope. I fall from my sled and land on my wrist. A rush of pain comes over me and I grab hold of my right wrist. It really hurts. I try to sit up and see Charles running towards me. Not far behind him the others come too.
"Amelia are you okay?", Charles asks out of breath as he reaches me.
"No I don't think so", I say and continue holding my wrist.
"Let me see", he says and helps me take off my glove and pushes my sleeve up a little.
"Can you move it?"
I shake my head.
"Get onto the sled", he says and helps me to get up.
"It's not very far until we reach the end of the slope. There we can get help. Sit on the sled I'll pull you", he says.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am. I try to be as gentle as I can", he says and starts pulling the sled.
"Is everything okay?", Lando asks as he reaches us too.
"No her wrist is not okay. I'll pull her down and we'll see at the end of the slope. You can already go if you want", Charles says and starts pulling my sled.
"Okay we'll wait at the end", he says and they get on their sleds again and sled down.
Charles is very gentle and I don't fall down while he pulls me.
We soon reach the little house next to the chair lift and Pierre goes inside to get someone. A man with a beard comes out and takes a look at my wrist.
"Yeah it looks like it's broken. I'm not a doctor though. You should get it checked at the hospital"
"Well let's get you into a taxi then", Charles says and takes out his phone.
Not even two minutes a taxi arrives. Charles and I get inside while the others wait for another one because we don't all fit in this taxi. Before we leave I say: "Go home. We'll see us there"
"It hurts", I say in the car.
"Don't worry. We're almost there", he says and puts my hand in his lab and puts snow on it. 
"It's very swollen", he says.

Charles POV

We reach the emergency and I need to fill out some forms. Pierre calls me asking how Amelia's going. I tell him everything's alright and we're still waiting. 
About an hour later Amelias wrist gets checked from a doctor.
"Sledding accident?", he asks looking at the x-rays.
"Yes. How's her wrist?", I ask.
He shows us the pictures.
"Well it's clearly broken here.", he says.
"Am I getting a cast?", she asks.
"Unfortunately yes but it's not a big deal is it?", he asks.
"Yes it is. We're formula one drivers", I say and his eyes widen.
"You are? Oh my god now I see it. I'm so sorry"
"No problem", she says and smiles even though I see she's in pain.
"Well you'll get the cast off in about six weeks but I think you'll be able to fully drive again in the beginning of the season"
"That's good news", I say and breath in relief.
"Let's get you that cast then", the doctor says and a nurse comes inside. 
She's very nice and tries to talk with Amelia a little to distract her a little.
Not much later Amelia and I exit the hospital with a blue cast around her hand.

"Hey oh my god how are you?", Luisa asks as she gets up from the couch to greet Amelia.
"Good but I'm tired", she says and smiles.
"Oh shit you have a cast now?", Pierre asks.
"Yes my wrist is broken."
"For how long will you have the cast?", Lando asks.
"Around six to eight weeks. We'll see. I would like to go to sleep now I'm sorry but I'm very tired.", she says and looks at me.
"Of course. I'll bring her to bed and then come talk to you again", I say and follow her to her bedroom.
"I need help with changing", she says and looks at me.
I nod and get her the clothes that she needs. I slowly start to undress her trying not to hurt her. I try to not look at her body that much because I respect her too much to take advantage of the situation. Not long after she's dressed and ready to go to sleep.
She lays down on her bed and I cover her with a blanket.
"Do you want some meds for the pain?", I ask her before I leave.
"No I think it's okay", she says and closes her eyes.
"Okay just call me if you need anything. Good night Amelia", I say and close the door.
"How is she?", Luisa asks again.
"She's okay really. She's just tired and a little in pain and needs to rest", I say as I approach them.
"And racing?", Pierre asks.
"Well the cast will be off at the end of February and after she needs to take it slow for a little time so I dont think she'll be attending the first race of the season"
"Shit", Lando says.
"Is she in a lot of pain?", Pierre asks.
"In the moment yes but it should get better the next few days. The doctor also gave me some pain-killers for her to take if the pain gets to bad"
"I stay up for her if she needs anything", says Lando.
"No, I will don't worry. Go to sleep"
"Are you sure. We don't mind Charles", Luisa says.
"I know but I'm sure. I won't be able to sleep anyway since I know she's in pain so don't worry"
"Okay. Tell us if you need anything or help", Pierre says.
"Sure good night", I say as they all go to their rooms.
I sit down on the couch and start watching some TV show. I put the volume on very low since I need to hear Amelia if she needs anything.
I'm almost asleep when I hear: "Charles"
I immediately get up and walk to her room.
"Everything's okay? What do you need?", I ask her.
"It hurts. Can you please bring me some meds?", she asks.
"Of course. Wait", I say and walk to the kitchen to get her meds.
"Here", I say and give her the pill and a glass of water. 
"Thank you", she says after taking it and lays back down.
I want to close the door when I hear her voice.
"Charles wait"
I open the door again and ask: "Yes"
"Can you please stay?"
I hesitate for a little before I walk in again and close the door behind me. I lay down next to her and she comes closer.
"Is this okay for you?", I ask her.
"Yes", she says and closes her eyes again.
After some time I feel her breath slow down and I know she's asleep. I stay awake for a little longer just to be sure that she's sleeping and then fall asleep too.
I wake up at around nine in the morning with her looking at me.
"I know you're staring", I say and chuckle.
"I'm sorry. I can't sleep anymore", she says.
"Don't worry. I don't mind. Do you need anything", I say and turn towards her.
"Can you get me some meds again? It really hurts"
"I'll be back in a minute", I say and smile before I get up.
Lando is already sitting at the kitchen table when I come in.
"How is she?", he asks.
"She's fine. Still in pain but she's fine", I say and prepare some water for her again.
"I shouldn't have driven between you two.", he says.
"What?", I ask him and turn around. 
"I wanted to overtake both of you and drove between you two. Because of me she had to drive of the slope and had the accident", he says with a guilty face.
"Lando it wasn't your fault okay? And it's not that bad she just broke her wrist. She'll be okay again"
"I know but because of me she's in pain and because of me she'll miss the first race of the saison"
"Don't worry mate. It wasn't your fault it was just a stupid accident. And plus: she's not mad at you. So don't think about it"
"If you say so", he says.
"I'll bring her the meds okay? We'll talk about it later", I say and give him a comforting smile.
"Okay", he says and I leave.
"Thank you Charles", she says as I come inside her room and give her the meds. She lays down again and tries to sleep again and I leave the room. 

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