chapter thirty-eight

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Amelia POV

Pierre agreed to come on holiday with us and we're now flying to Switzerland in a small jet.
Lando, Charles and Pierre are playing cards when Luisa comes closer to me.
"What happend with Charles' hand?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Please Amelia. I know something happend. First you ask me if he can stay for a few days after not even talking to him for a month and then he arrives with a bandaged hand. I'm not as stupid as you belive Lando is", she says and chuckles.
"Arthur called me yesterday when I was in therapy. Charles had locked himself in his room and as I got there everything was shatterd in peaces. He was sobbing in my arms about that everything's his fault. I later realized he had cut his hand with a piece of the mirror. Luisa he's not in a good state at the moment", I say worried.
"Yeah you both aren't. Maybe this holiday will be good for you two."
I look at Charles and a smile appears on my face. He's laughing about Lando and Pierre that are arguing about who cheated. 
"Maybe it will"
"You still love him right?", she says and I turn my head to look at her.
"I never stopped Luisa", I say and smile.

We land after about an hour. Now we get a taxi and drive to Davos. We're all very tired and it takes us about two hours to get there. I'm tired so I fall asleep leaning on Charles' shoulder.

I wake up the next morning as Lando wakes me up. 
"Amelia wake up we want to go skiing"
He excitetly jumps around like a little child.
"Okay okay, I'm awake", I say and laugh.
I remain laying in my bed a little before getting up and I put on my ski-clothes. I braid my hair and put on a beanie before walking in to the kitchen where I get myself some water.
Lando rented a airbnb. We'll more like an appartment for rich people but whatever.
"We leave in ten minutes", Lando shouts as Pierre enters the kitchen too only in his shorts.
"You know we're leaving shortly right?", I ask him and take a sip.
"I know", he says with a sleepy voice and takes a glass out too to fill it with water.
"Why are you not dressed Pierre?", Lando asks as he sees us standing there.
"Yeah whatever. I'll be ready in ten", he says a little annoyed and walks away.
"Better in five", Lando shouts.
Charles enters the kitchen and laughs about Lando. He looks at me and gives me a slight smile. As I take a look at his face I get the impression that his eye bags grew even wider but maybe it's just my imagination. Lando walks in again and tells us to get dresses. I put a hoodie on and my snowboard boots. Of course I also take my helmet with me and my gloves. We wait for Pierre before we walk to the chairlift. Our appartment isn't far away so it's not very tiring.
As we reach the top they all put on their skis ad I put my snowboard on.
"Amelia why are you so slow", Lando asks me everytime we exit the chairlift. They always have to wait for me because I'm snowboarding and have to take off and put on the binding everytime we are on a chairlift.
"Well maybe because I have to put on the binding everytime"
"Why are you even snowboarding if you have to do this everytime?", Pierre asks me.
"Because I look much cooler than you guys do", I say and laugh befor standing up and starting to drive.
We have a very funny morning. We all get hungry at noon so we go into a restaurant. 
The waitress asks us something but we don't undertstand her.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Uhm what would you like to drink?", she asks with a swiss accent.
We all order something to drink and continue having a good lunch break.
"Excuse me", I hear behind me and turn around to see a woman standing there with her son.
"Could he maybe take a picture with you guys? I don't want to bother you of course"
I look at the others and they nod.
We get up and take a group picture with him. The woman thanks us before walking away.
We contiue our conversation and the waitress brings us our food.
"I'm sorry but are you guys famous or something?", she asks us before leaving.
"We're formula one drivers", Charles answers proudly.
"Oh my god. Now I know why you seemed so similar. My husband is a big fan of formula one. I can't believe it. Is it okay if I tell him and he can take a picture with you. Of course he'll come after you finish your food"
"Of course it's okay. We would love to", I say and smile at her. She smiles back at me before walking away.
The rest of lunch goes by very good and we take a photo with her and her husband before leaving the restaurant. We decide to not ski for to long anymore since we're all a little tired after our flight yesterday. We come back at around 3pm and decide to be ready at six so we can go out for dinner together.
Of course I use the time to take a nap before we leave. I set my alarm for 5pm and quickly fall asleep.

Charles POV

I get ready and then lay on the sofa and watch some TV since the others are still getting ready. Not much later Lando joins me and we discuss about the language they speek here.
Pierre soon joins us too and we wait for the girls to finish get ready.
"We're ready", Luisa shouts and we all get up to put on our shoes.
Lando chose a little restaurant not far away from our appartment for us to eat. It's a small wooden house. We enter and take a seat.
Dinner goes by pretty well and the others want to go to the club now to celebrate new years.
"No thanks I'm tired. I just go to sleep", Amelia says.
"And you Charles?", Lando asks me.
"Me too. Sorry", I say and shrug my shoulders.
We say goodbye to eachother before Amelia and I make our way back. 
Just as I want to enter my room she asks me: "Hey do you want to watch a movie with me?"
"Sure", I say even though I'm very tired. I've had a bad night yesterday. Honestly all my nights are bad the last few months. Either I'm not able to sleep because I'm overthinking everything or I'm sleeping but I have a nightmare. Can't decide what's worse.
I sit down next to her and we choose a movie. The movie's very funny and we laugh sometimes.
"Only three minutes till midnight", she says as she takes a look at her phone.
"Any New Year's resolutions?", she asks me.
"No. And you?"
"Not really", she says and continues looking at her insta feed.
A sudden urge overcomes me and I say: "Amelia I love you"
She looks up from her phone looking surprised.
"Amelia I want to be with you. Please tell me what I can do to make you forgive me. I'll do anything but please let me be your boyfriend again"
"I love you too Charles. Please give me some more time okay? But I want to be with you too", she says and smiles.
"Can I get a kiss please?", I ask her. "Just one"
She nods and comes closer. We lock eyes before we kiss. 
Just a small kiss.
So small but still so big meaning.
We back away again and look at eachother and both start laughing. I don't know why. I guess we're both just happy right now.
"Happy New Year Charles", she says and smiles at me.
"Happy New Year Amelia", I say and smile at her too

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