chapter eighteen

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Charles POV

"Come on Amelia. We can't just always be late.", I say waiting in front of the door.
"I'm coming. I'm coming.", she says walking now out of my appartment too with her suitcase.
We drive to the airport and fly to Italy. I'm really excited to train with her. She's a good driver and I can learn a lot when I drive with her and Max. Also I like spending time with her.

Amelias POV

"Okay let us show you two around", Charles says and Carlos nods.
"Yes sure.", Max says.
They show us around and show us everything. 
"Come on guys. It's time for the first training session." Carlos says.
We all change and get into our cars. They tell me that we should try to drive the fastest round. Like in the qualifying. The day goes by very quickly with us driving the whole day. It's really funny because they connected our radios together so we could talk to eachother.
"I'm exausted", I say as I get out of the car and take off my helmet.
"Yeah me too. But it was really funny.", Max says and I nod.
As I'm on my way to the wardrobe Liam comes aproaching me.
"Hey Amelia, how are you?", he asks.
"Fine and you?"
"Good. Hey do you maybe want to attend the dinner with me tonight?", he asks.
"What dinner?", I ask.
"Oh they haven't told you yet? There will be a dinner tonight with both teams. Ferarri and Redbull."
"Oh I-"
"She's already coming with me.", Charles says interrupting me.
"Oh okay then see you there", Liam says and walks away.
"And why do you think I'm attending the dinner with you?", I ask.
"Well I uh, Do you wan to attend the dinner with me miss Thatcher?", he asks.
"Of course I want to but no need to be rude to him", I say.
There is a confrence planned for in ten minutes so I change quickly before getting there. They talk a lot about the championship and how to optimize the cars. 
After the conference I go back to the hotelroom. I'm finally not too scared anymore to stay alone here. I take a shower and get ready for dinner. I'm still in my underwear when I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in. I'm in the bathroom", I say.
He opens the door and gets in.
"How did you know it was me?", Charles asks.
"I just know Charles", I say and finish getting ready.
We head down to the lobby and wait for Carlos. He arrives and we go to Charles Car. 
When we get to the restaurant a lot of the team are already there. We go inside and decide to see us a bit later. I walk to my team and we start chatting.
"Would you guys excuse me for a little bit. I have to go to the toilet.", I say before leaving them and heading to the toilet. After I wash my hands and walk out the door when I bump into Liam. He looks like he's been waiting for somebody.
"Hey Amelia. How's the dinner going so far?", he asks.
"Very good but I'm sorry they're waiting for me", I say trying to walk past him but he stands in my way.
"No, don't leave. I think they wouldn't notice if you talk to me a few minutes", he says still blocking my way.
"Yes they would. Liam I have to go now.",I say.
"No Amelia I-"
"She said she has to leave now mate.", Carlos says who just got out of the toilet.
Liam glares at Carlos before walking away.
"What did he want from you?", Carlos asks.
"He wanted to talk and wouldn't let me leave.", I say.
"Come on. Let's go back go the others".

Charles POV

"Hey I saw Liam storming out of the bathroom before you and Amelia came out too. Is everything okay?", I ask Carlos.
"I have no clue. He wanted to talk to her but she had to go back to her team but he would always block her the way and wouldn't let her go.", he says.
"But nothing happend right? She's okay now?", I ask. I search for her trough the crowd and see her. She's talking to max now so she's safe.
"Yes everythings okay now but that dude really gave me strange vibes.", he says.
"Man If I get him he will regret it", I say and search for him.
"No, Charles. He's not worth it now and besides it's not very smart of you do to that here".
"Yeah you're right."
We continue talking to a lot of people before I approach Amelia. She's sitting alone at a table in the corner of the room.
"Hey everything okay?", I ask.
"Carlos told you didn't he?", she says.
"Yes he did.", I say taking a seat next to her.
"I don't know why Liam behaved like that. He never gave me this strange vibes. But now after that incident he defenetly does. He would always block my way when I tried to walk away."
I take her into my arms and say: " Amelia it's okay. I'll look after you. He won't do that again."
"Yeah let's hope so".
We continue talking a little until Carlos tells me that someones searching for me. I make sure it's alright for Amelia to stay there alone before I leave.
Arthur comes my way.
"Hey. Everythings okay with her?".
"Yes. It's just that guy over there who has bothered her earlier."
"No way. How?".
"I don't really know. He wanted to talk to her and she wanted to leave but he wouldn't let her go."
"Some people are crazy. But I have to tell you that Mattia's searching for you", he says. before walking away.

Amelias POV

After what happend tonight I'm a little scared to be alone tonight but I don't want to bother Charles so I didn't tell him. I know I should but I feel really bad about always being around him. Not that I don't like it but it's just that I feel bad that he has to take care of me 24/7.
I decide to not think about it further and go to sleep.

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