Chapter ten

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Amelia POV

"Somethings not right with the car guys", I tell my team over the radio.
"What's wrong?", they ask.
"I don't know. Somethings off."
"Yeah we see. Amelia stop the car and come to the box."
"But I'm only on P9 now. I can do one lap"
"No if somethings wrong we are not going to risk it."
So I drive into the box. I only had one chance to drive a lap. I could've been much faster. That just means I have to drive faster tomorrow I guess.
"Is everything okay. I saw you had to stop.", Charles says coming from the ferrari box.
"Yes somethings wrong but they are trying to fix it.", I say.
"It's not that bad I'm sure you will drive awesome tomorrow and get a good result.", he says putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes I hope so", I say leaning against his hand with my head. I'm pretty frustrated about today.
As I walk out I see a ot of journalists asking me questions but I just walk past and get into my car.
I drive back to the hotel and decide to take a shower. After the shower I lay down and look at my instagram profile. Since they announced me as their new driver I've gone viral for being the only female diver in formula one. I've gained 4 million followers. I decide to look at some fanposts and see a lot of pictures of me and Charles together. I smile.
Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I go to open it and see Charles, Lando and Pierre there.
"I thought you could need some company and someone to cheer you up", Charles says smiling at me.
I hug him and greet the other two and let them in.
"What was the problem Amelia", Pierre asks.
"I have no clue. They told me to stop the car and drive into the box so I had to. They didn't know what but told me they can fix it until tomorrow. Well I hope for them to fix the problem until tomorrow.", I say.
"Hey I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is okay'", Charles says.
"I hope so.", I say. I lean against his shoulder now. 
"Wanna order something?", Lando asks.
We all nod and decide to get Pizza (even though we're not allowed because of our diets but who cares). After we ate we talk a lot until they decide to leave. I hug them goodbye and close the door. I notice that I'm really sleepy and go to sleep.

*At the race*
"Wtf's wrong with that car." , I shout into the radio.
"We don't know Amelia. Stop the car it could be something dangerouse", they say.
"No let me drive I can do that."
"No Amelia stop the car right now", they say.
As I was about to stop the car the steering wheel stops working and I loose control.
Everythings blurry. I can ear someone saying something but I can't make out what. Why is it so hot? I look around and realise that the car is burning. Shit I have to get out of here. I quickly stand up and try to get out of the fire. I climb over the barrier and some people come to help me walk. I sit down on the other side of the track and try to take off my helmet. Everythings still blurry.

Charles POV

"Amelia just crashed", I hear over the radio.
"What?", I ask worried.
"Is she okay?"
"We dont't know the cars burning looks like she lost control. It doesn't look good for her.". the say.
I'm speechless I can't loose her.
"Oh thank god she's walking out of the fire."
"Is she okay?".
"Yes she's walking away from the fire now but there's a red flag. Box now.", they say.
I drive to the box as fast as I can and get out of the car and search for Max.
"Is she okay?", I ask running to him.
"I don't know."
"What happend?", I ask.
"Well she had a problem with the car again and it looks like her steering wheel stopped working and she crashed. They just got her out of the fire. She should be here any minute.", he says.
"Why here she has to go to the hospital", I say.
"No she doesn't want to. She want's to come here."
I look at him in shock while we wait. I'm sitting on the ground next to Max when two people bring her inside.
"Thank god you're alive.", I say.
"You're not going to get rid of me that easily", she says. As she takes of her suit for the doctors to check we all gasp in shock. She has burn marks all over her arms. 
"You have to go to the hospital Amelia", I say.
"No I'm fi-", she says before she collapses.
We all rush to her side to see if everythings okay. The doctors call the ambulance and drive off with her. They decide to stop the race and I get into my garage.
"Is everything okay with her", Carlos asks me. Next to him are Lando and Pierre.
"No she has really bad burn marks all over her body and collapsed in the garage. I have to go to the hospital now.", I say
"We're coming with you.", Lando says. We change our clothes really quick and drive to the hospital. We arrive there and a lady guids us to her room.
"She's sleeping but she should be awake in a few minutes.", the lady says.
"Is she going to be okay?", I ask her.
"Yes but she will probably have some scars due to the burning.",she says before leaving the room.
I stare at her. One half of her face is covered with a bandage so are her arms. 
"She's going to be okay Charles. Don't worry she's really strong.", Pierre says laying a hand on my shoulder.
"I know.", I say.

Amelia POV

"Where am I?", I ask slowly waking up. It smells like hospital.
"Thank god you're awake and okay. You're at the hospital.", Charles says. He looks terrible.
"The others just wen to grab some food."
"What time is it?", I ask.
"It's 10am", he says.
"Did you stay here the whole time", I ask.
"Yes I was. The others stayed here too but I just couldn't leave the room. I didn't want to leave you alone.", Charles says.
That makes me smile. I try to get up.
"No you have to rest Amelia. You burnt certain spots really bad.", he says laying me down again.
"Did I also burn my face. Yes but not very bad. They just wanted to be sure that there's no infection.".
The others come in too.
"Finally you're awake.", Pierre says.
Lando wants to hug me but I stop him midway because of my burns.
The doctor comes in and tell me that they have to do some tests and look at my burns before I can leave.
"Go home. it's okay I will get by no worries.", I say smiling at them.
"If you say so. But we will go eat dinner together in the evening.", Pierre says.
"Of course".
They all say goodbye and leave.
"Wait. Charles can you please stay?", I ask him before he leaves.
"Of course I can Amelia. I don't want to leave you alone anyway.", he says smiling.
The doctor comes in and checks on my. Everythings fine. I get some creams to put on and bandages.
"Can you sit?", Charles asks me as we are about to get into the car.
"Yes but it really hurts.", I say.
We arrive at the hotel and the meadia and fans are waiting for us. As soon as we get out of the car they shout questions at us. Charles helps me stand up and takes me inside to my room.
"I'm going to get my things: I will be here again in about 20 minutes. If you need something call me okay?", I nod and he leaves.
How could this happen to me.

Charles POV

"How is she feeling?", Carlos asks me when I see him in the hallway.
"Fine but it hurts a lot. I'm getting my things and go to her room to look for her."
We say goodbye and I go back to her hotel.
I get inside her room and put my things down.
"Can you help dress me? I can't do it alone.", she asks,
"Yes of course but we have to change the bandages too", I say.
She nods and we start undressing her. When I take the bandages of I look at her in shock. She's really burnt I feel so bad for her. As we are about to change the bandages someone knocks at the door.
"Hey it's us we brought some videogames", Pierre says.
"Yes come in. It's open.", she says.
They come inside and stare at her in shock.
"Can you please stop staring I already feel bad enough.", she says.
They all look away instantly. I finish up her bandages and dress her.
Afterwards we play videogames and order some pizza. As we are waiting for pizza I notice that she looks like she's in pain.
"Are you okay?", I whisper to her.
"Yes sure. It just hurts really bad right now.", she says. I get up and get the medication from her bag. I give it to her and she feels better. We continue having a good night and talk to eachother for a little bit before the others leave. I clean up the room and prepare her for bed. I undress her, put cream on the wounds, put a bandage on again and then dress her before putting her to bed. As I was abou to lay down on the couch she says: "It's okay you can sleep in the bed with me. I can't let you sleep on the couch after everything you've done for me.". I hesitate for a bit but get in bed with her then. 

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