chapter one

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It is a sunny but still somewhat fresh morning when Amelia goes for her daily run . The streets of Monaco are still empty because it's a little early. There are only a few cars on the road. She's thinking about something when she comes around a corner and sees a little coffeshop across the street. Something about this shop tells her to get in and get something for breakfast. When she comes in she is amazed by the decorating. The store is set up with red tables and light pink chairs and beautiful colored flowers. As she comes trough the door someone bumos in to her cuasing her and the other person to trip. "Can't you see where you're walking?", the voice said. "Well can't you either?", Amelie sais as she tries to get up. "I'm in a hurry and now I don't even have breakfast thanks to you.", she was now standing in front of the man that bumped in to her. He was also wearing sportswear and looked like he was also jogging this morning. She was about to give her opinion about how rude he is and that it wasn't only her fault, when she looks him in the eye. It's Charles Leclerc the formula 1 driver. She was shocked about how rude he was because she thought he was a very nice person, well she was thinking that five minutes ago. "I- I'm very sorry i didn't mean to bump into you i wasn't looking where i was going, sorry". "Well your sorry isn't making my morning better and I have to go". Before she could react he was gone. She walks away from the store and starts jogging again. 'Why was he so rude', 'I didn't expect him to be that of an asshole', she thinks to herself. Not much later she arrives at home still thinking about the previous event. She has to think about him all day and despite of how rude he was, she couln't get him out of her mind.

Amelias POV   (a few days later)

Today's my first day at work as a formula one driver for Redbull. I like the weather in Monaco and I like the oppertunity to take part at my first formul one race. I haven't been anounced as the new driver yet because the situation is a little difficult because I got a place mid season and also because Mr. Horner wants me to be a surprise to other drivers. He thinks that it will make other drivers nervous when there is a female on track. Today is qualifying and I want to show everyone what I am capable of. The media thinks i am Verstappens girlfriend but I don't really mind. I'm just focused on the race.
I arrive at the garage and suddenly get nervous. Usually I never get nervous but here we go. I go to my driversroom and change into my racing suit. " Thatcher, Horner wants to meet you in his office in 10 minutes.", somebody said from outside. "Okay". I wonder what he wants.
When I get to his office he is already sitting there. "Take a seat.", he says as he points to the chair in front of his desk. "So we want to talk to you about your debut for the Redbull team. As you know we wanted to keep you a secret until it's time. We have decided that today after the Qualifying you are allowed to take your helmet off in front of everyone on the track. Afterwards we want you to have a few interviews and tell them who you are. What informations you tell them is your decision. We are also going to post you on our Insta at that time and formula 1's official account is going to do the same. Is that okay for you?",he askes me. I need a few seconds to proceed what just happend. "Yes of course it's okay.", I say. I think it's very obvious that i am freaking out because of excitement but he doesn't mind. "It's time for qualifying now get ready.", he says and nods in the direction of the door. I leave and give him a quick smile.

The qualifying went very well and I even got P2. It makes me mad that i couldn't beat Max but tomorrow i'm going to beat him i'm sure. The media and drivers are all looking at me as I remove my helmet and reveal myself to the world. I hear a few gasps and some peoples mouth stands wide open. Is it so shocking that a female drives in formula 1? I look at Leclerc who's definitely shocked to see me. I smirk at him shortly before i walk to the media to give a statement.
"Are you the new driver for Redbull?", "Who are you and what's your name?", the media people ask.
"My name is Amelia Thatcher and yes, i am the new driver for Redbull. No, I am not Max Verstappens girlfriend.", then i walk away. They keep asking questions but i don't care they know enough about me for today.
As I step away I see Leclerc in the corner of my eye. His mouth is still slightly opened. I laugh a little and before I can react he is standing next to me.
"I didn't know you are the new driver for Redbull", he says.
"I knew you are a driver for Ferrari.", i say looking at him very serious. I am still mad about how he treated me. 
"I -", before he can continue I walk away. I'm kind of angry so I walk away because I can't get mad in front of the media. The team cheers for Max and me and they congratulate me for my great debut.
"That was very impressive Amelia. If you drive like that tomorrow I will have a big problem.", Max says as he smiles at me.
"Thank you, it means a lot to me. I didn't think I would be that fast but now I'm nervous because of tomorrow."
"You dont have to be nervous. Let's go and grab something to eat afterwards. Only if you want."
"Yea of course. I would love to."
"Meet me at my car in 25 minutes.", he says as he gives me a quick smile and disappears.
I get ready and make my way to the car. As I walk I see a few of the drivers standing there and discussing something. Someone says something and they all look at me. I see Leclerc there and give him a quick smile and wink at him. They all turn to him, as he turns red and turn to me again. I keep walking until I am at Max's car:

Charles POV

Today is the qualifying for my home race. I'm sitting in my driver room because I want time for myself. I need to focus. 
"Charles, it's time", someone says otside.
"Coming. Give me 2 minutes", I say.
I get out and get ready for qualifying.
"Cabron we have to leave", Carlos sais. 
I nod at him and we get into the car and drive of. Qualifying is going very well for me right now I'm fastest but i have to wait for Max's time. 
'Shit he's faster than me', I think to myself but P2 isn't to bad. 
Suddenly another Redbull car enters the track. The driver is very good and very fast. Who's that new driver he's very good. He's a bit faster than me and I am on P3.
"Who's that new driver?", I ask my team over the radio because I know there wasn't an announcement about him.
"We don't know Charles. Today's his first time driving. Looks like we got a new rival.  Don't get distracted because of that he doesn't matter now. What matters is that you win tomorrow.", he's right I can't loose my focus now because Max is only 15 points ahead of me in the championship.
As I get out of my car I see the new driver but he's still wearing the helmet. Hopefully he's not to bad of a person. He takes of the helmet and what-.
It's the girl i met in the coffeeshop earlier this week. The girl that bumped into me. Maybe I was too mean to her because it was also my fault but that doesn't matter now. She is a very beautiful girl. I notice her looking at me and she smirks at me real quick. 
"Man you're staring at her.", Pierry says.
I quickly close my mouth and look at him. "No I'm not."
"She's really hot. Maybe she's also nice?"
"Yea maybe she is.", I say slowly looking directly at her again. 'She looks really good in that race suit'.  No I can't think that she's my rival. Still I can't get my eyes of her.
I walk towards her and say: " I didn't know you are the new driver for redbull."
"I knew you are a driver for Ferrari", she says looking kind of mad.
"I-", but before I can continue she goes away.
I go back to my team and they congratulate me and Carlos for P3 and P4. We still have a good chance tomorrow. I change really quick and want to leave as I bump into Lando, Pierre, Carlos and George. 
"Hey have you seen that new girl Charles? She was much faster than you", Lando says.
"Yea and she's really hot. Maybe we should ask her to eat with us later.", Pierre says with a grin on his face. Typical.
"There she comes". Everyone looks at her now but she only looks at me smiles and winks. The boys now all look at me. I feel my cheecks burning up and I get nervous. They look back at her as she walks past.
"What was that?", George asks while looking at me.
"Do you know her?", Pierre asks.
"Uhm, yes kind of", I say still red
"How?", Carlos now asks.
"Maybe I bumped into her a few days ago and I was very rude to her. I didn't mean to but I was so angry because of the last race.", I say looking to the ground. Now that i tell the others and see their looks I feel bad for being so mean to her. I Have to apologise. 
"Man you really have to get better at controlling your emotions.", Lando says while shaking his head.
"I know. I know, okay?"
Now I see Max walking out of the Redbull garage. 
"Hey Max, do you know the new girl?", I ask
Me and the others ask him a bunch of questions and he is clearly overwhelmed by them. 
"Okay okay. You can ask her herself if you want. I asked her to get dinner, you can join if you want."
All of them say yes but it actually makes me a little nervous, when I think about her talking to me. Still I agree on the dinner and follow them to our cars.
There she is leaning at Max's car looking at her phone. Suddenly she lifts her head up and our eyes meet.  

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