Can U Get Pregante - 3

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In the safety of the empty hall, he let out a soft breath. He could hear faint murmuring from within the room, none of it coming through the wall in one piece. Sci shook his head. He readjusted his coat and started down the hall, taking his phone out as he went to call Outer. He needed something to do for the next two hours.


Dust gave Sci another five seconds of his attention, even after the door closed, just to make sure, before turning away and forgetting the doctor entirely. Horror's smile was really something. Dust wasn't really sure he'd seen anything like it before. "..c'mon.. come feel..." Horror beckoned for him to join, shifting to the side to make room for Dust's much smaller frame.

Cross's ecto was warm even through the hospital gown. Dust's expression wavered between his usual blank and something unfamiliar, his hand twitching as his magic, his magic, warmed as it seemed to sense the soulling. A faint, inaudible hum answered him, the child's much weaker magic buzzing in response. Dust held his breath, pressing his hand down just a little, testing the ecto, desperate to know if this was real. It didn't vanish. His hand was only warmed by the squishy pseudo-flesh.

He eased the force in his hand, and allowed himself to simply enjoy it. Just this once. Horror's hand settled over his, the big guy's purring growing louder. Perhaps... Dust leaned into his teammate's side, feeling suddenly uncharacteristically soft. Perhaps it would be a good idea to call Killer.

The moment he freed his hand from Horror's, the instant his fingers separated from Cross's warmth, whatever spell had fallen over him dissipated and Dust was left staring at his hand in a daze. [What the hell was happening.]

Killer picked up on the fourth ring, "Yeah?" Dust licked his teeth, eyeing Horror as the other kneaded Cross's tummy with both hands. He was murmuring something faint, his voice low enough that Dust couldn't hear any of it. "Get over here. You and boss both. Cross's okay to go, but we've got a while before we can leave. Something Sci said about making sure he's truly stable."

A pause, and then there was a series of jarring sounds, and Nightmare' stern voice came in, demanding, "Where is Sci?" Dust snorted, "As if I know. He took off after he showed us the bump."

"...What bump?"


They were all bewitched. It was ridiculous, how easily they were all so entranced by something so.. trivial. But here they were, marveling over a stomach. [How the fuck did they get here. What lead up to this point?] Nightmare still found himself coiling a tentacle over the slight swell, his corruption shivering with something that left a bad taste in his mouth. It was disgustingly positive. His teeth ticked up into a sour expression and he pulled away, shaking his head. Ridiculous. This was not appropriate, none of it.

A spike of sudden hostility lit up the space between Killer and Dust, stealing Nightmare's attention, his eye flicking down to where their hands had touched. Really. Really. [This was what his team had been reduced to. All because of an infernal soulling.] Killer's neutral grin pulled back into a vicious snarl. [Animals.] Dust didn't even bother to respond likewise, scoffing at Killer's little display. "Calm down, idiot, there's enough room for the both of us."

Horror rumbled quietly, nodding his agreement. "ain't gotta fight.." Killer didn't back down. The fool continued to stare down his teammates, his left eye beginning to twitch. [Fucking hormones.] Nightmare clicked his tongue, irritated that he had to even deal with this behavior at all. "Killer. Quit it. We have no time for this."

The anger winked out instantly, and Killer huffed, resigned. "Fine," he bit out, "But tell Dust to get his grubby fingers away."

"I was here first."

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